Well-Known Member
Lookin good ocan!
Day 45ish
So I haven't been about to much as of late.Had a real busy couple of months doing some reno's in my comp room.Now its pretty much done with the exception of a few new piece's of furniture to add as the money comes in again.
So I did run into a snag with the gals.Seems I over fed them and they got nute lock out.I had flushed the pots out but they never really fully recovered.6 out of the 7 got the nute lock out.Most of the leaves have faded and are now strarting to drop.
Plant #1 is the only one that handeled the nutes and is doing very well which is cool by me cause she is my fav to date.The reason she is my fav is cause she is a Cherry Kush and damn she smells nice.I only hope the flave carries through in the burning.She is also the most dominant of the Kush looking plants