Racist Biden.

Biden says african American are all the same!!!
What do you all think about that?
Please stay on topic.
Where does he say that? I don’t see that anywhere..:wall:

And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things … it’s a very diverse community.” word for word buddy how is that not racist?
You missed 27 words between “things” and “...it’s” that give you the exact context of “how that is not racist.”

“You go to Florida you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you're in Arizona. So, it's a very different, a very diverse community,"

There’s lots of words “before” this statement as well.. He was speaking in the context of Latino immigration.

If you actually read the convention transcript - Biden makes that statement mid-way while answering several questions about Latinos and the path to citizenship vs deportation.

It starts at 29:03 if you’d like to read more than 2 sentences for actual context.

I would suggest reading the entire thing..
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I am of a political persuasion/understanding that is foreign to the posters in this thread, insofar as I can tell. Alas, I have a golden rule that has served me well in navigating American politics: Conservatives are wrong about everything, then work backwards from there.

Consider this thread. Conservatives have an explicitly reactionary, defensive, and ultimately negative conception of life. As such they offer no real, forward-thinking, idealistic or even romantic alternatives to what many refer to as Cultural Marxism. This is encapsulated very poignantly in this thread.

Instead of having an honest, natural, forward-thinking response to what they perceive as anti-white sentiment (EG, "I'm white. America was intented for whites and their posterity. Whites deserve a homeland just like the Japanese, et al") they necessarily start from a defensive posture because they have no actual vision for the world (eg, "herp derp I'm scared to be called a racist so..umm....I don't even care that whites are literally going extinct...umm...democrats are the REAL RACISTZZZ! Did you guys know that Abe Lincoln was Republican? herp derp)."

Cultural Marxism is not intuitively popular in the West'. Indeed, it is perhaps the embodiment of unnatural thinking. The famed Long Walk Through the Institutions was successful only because of the impotence of its' interlocutor.

The intellectuals at the Heritage Foundation are quite literally on a philosophical/intellectual playing field with the Sean Hannity's of the world. There is no there there.
I am of a political persuasion/understanding that is foreign to the posters in this thread, insofar as I can tell. Alas, I have a golden rule that has served me well in navigating American politics: Conservatives are wrong about everything, then work backwards from there.

Consider this thread. Conservatives have an explicitly reactionary, defensive, and ultimately negative conception of life. As such they offer no real, forward-thinking, idealistic or even romantic alternatives to what many refer to as Cultural Marxism. This is encapsulated very poignantly in this thread.

Instead of having an honest, natural, forward-thinking response to what they perceive as anti-white sentiment (EG, "I'm white. America was intented for whites and their posterity. Whites deserve a homeland just like the Japanese, et al") they necessarily start from a defensive posture because they have no actual vision for the world (eg, "herp derp I'm scared to be called a racist so..umm....I don't even care that whites are literally going extinct...umm...democrats are the REAL RACISTZZZ! Did you guys know that Abe Lincoln was Republican? herp derp)."

Cultural Marxism is not intuitively popular in the West'. Indeed, it is perhaps the embodiment of unnatural thinking. The famed Long Walk Through the Institutions was successful only because of the impotence of its' interlocutor.

The intellectuals at the Heritage Foundation are quite literally on a philosophical/intellectual playing field with the Sean Hannity's of the world. There is no there there.
Leave your Marxism in your fairytale please