radicalized white stabs and kills two heroes on portland train

you're talking to a lily white guy in a state that came within 2 points who couldn't bring himself to vote for hillary and so just risked it.

i don't know how any good person could stay home with what was on the line.

and now we have whites being radicalized all over the place. just yesterday, two radicalized whites tried to pipe bomb a courthouse in oklahoma.

whites are horrible deviants. skin color of peace and civilization my ass.
You should not think so low of your skin color or you might just hang yourself.

So 3 crazy white people is all you have? I don't know, I think we have millions of white people but you better hide your penis they will kill you because you have no foreskin. :)
Wow. You really are a festering boil.
I thought it was kind of funny I know I seen some Nazi movie where they actually checked for foreskin in the Jew hunts because Jews are as white as they come. Unless they have that crazy hair or hat I can't tell a Jew from Christians.
so the president says muslim people are too dangerous to even permit to enter the country.

indisputable fact.
