radicalized white stabs and kills two heroes on portland train

Oh look- one stroke is cutting and pasting this AM. Demonstrating his perverted ideals he passes along to his unwitting child.

You're radicalizing her. You just won't acknowledge it.

You edited that? She can wheelie my dirtbike, she's really rad.
I'd like to say you are smarter than to think this supports a conclusion about anybody. But I won't. Because you aren't.
I'd like to say you are smarter than to think this supports a conclusion about anybody. But I won't. Because you aren't.

all i did was repeat what trump said, which is that muslim people are too dangerous to even be permitted to enter the country.

and he accused me of being a radical.

twopump is a simple retard who hates to be reminded about how the orange fascist he worships is a radicalized retard.
all i did was repeat what trump said, which is that muslim people are too dangerous to even be permitted to enter the country.

and he accused me of being a radical.

twopump is a simple retard who hates to be reminded about how the orange fascist he worships is a radicalized retard.
I dont care for Bernie or fogdog much. But if you misquoted them, I would call you out on that as well.
I dont care for Bernie or fogdog much. But if you misquoted them, I would call you out on that as well.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States"

but that's not extremist or radical at all, eh?

you are a racist retard and you cry so bad when i point out what a radical extremist the orange fascist is, but only because you are a fascist as well.
all i did was repeat what trump said, which is that muslim people are too dangerous to even be permitted to enter the country.

and he accused me of being a radical.

twopump is a simple retard who hates to be reminded about how the orange fascist he worships is a radicalized retard.
You listen to what Trump says as if he means it? What a radical idea. We have been told to listen to his heart, not what he says.

You anti anti antifa.
no, he was a normal guy. has lived quietly in his north portland suburb for years. neighbors say he's just your average neighbor.

then he was radicalized by our fascist president and the racist propaganda peddled by retards like you.

You are funny lol
The 'stroker' sock lives? Ugh. Ban this propaganda parroting scumbag.

For real; when upwards of 40% of the 'content' of this subforum consists of Ailes-inspired toxicity - unchecked racism and filth spewing from the usual suspects/paid posters (pooey, multitude of daveysocks, sixinch, dr.peckerless, magoo, etc.etc.) - is it (sadly) time to officially label RIU as a 'hate site', akin to breitbart and stormfront?