Raider Nation Grow- Mendo purps.Lemon OG.1600 watts.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
yo raider i told my girl abt the post office refusing to deliver ur mail said thts bs u need to file a complaint they cant do tht every one has the right to get there mail delivered she's been wth the postal service for 16 yrs never heard of them doing tht !


Well-Known Member
well the roads are pretty bad but i dont get much mail out here anyway.always gotta go to the hydro store.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
ha roads r pretty bad here to had 3 new tires put on her jeep friday yesterday she hit a railroad spike and blew 1 out 2nd one in less than a week 350 wrth of tires in less than a week ! top it all off broke the bowl on my fav bong this morning !


Well-Known Member
lol,yea i have a 4-wheeler mysef.i'll post some pics soon as they fix this site.its not allowing uploads.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
thinkin abt ordering some purps from bcseedking idk if i wanna start anymore rite now back in feburary i shattered my lower right leg and ankle also fractured my right shoulder its been a bitch tryin to keep up wht i got goin now ! go see my ortho on the 15th hopefully i can start walking soon the fn crutches r killing my shoulder


Well-Known Member
i understand that,i developed a carpal tunnel on both elbows las yr and need to get surgery,i went to the gym daily,1000 pushups aday,3 miles run every other day,holding down a full time business for yrs and finally caught up with me.i dont have insurance and have to pay to get it done,cant do nuthin but grow weed with light pain..also have pinch nerve in lower back from dead that the shit.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
yea my girl had carpal in both her wrist got one fixed waitin for me to get back on my feet so she can get the other one done same surgeon tht put my leg back together did alot of good for her


Well-Known Member
i def.consider this a job..transplanting all thes into those 3gal pots and doi n water all day about wore me out,lol.


Well-Known Member
these pots are bigger than that pic shows.i may be overwelmed.i hope so.still cant upload pics.hope tjis aint permanant.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I just managed to get a few pics up...RUI is working really fast for me all of a sudden too...hope it stays that way!