hahaa^^^^ you could too captain stickyfingers, dont be shy , the girls would love it!!!!!!
.thanks for the compliments about the waterfarm deep blue video. That was an incredible plant.
Happy Mothers day. do you like scary movies? im going assume yes , as you seem too dig tiffany.lol
Have you ever seen MOthers Day , the movie.. the
old B movie. TOTALLY SICK! and demented and twisted...lmao.
I like your water filtration system. just curious, how long do you have to tend to your garden a day? sucks about the humidity. Im oppposite here. I have my freakin swamp cooler running and humidifer all day battleing the dry heat.
say talkin about outside pitch black... last night, i sware to god, lol... no shit.. i saw a UFO outside my apt. Here where i live its very very dark, Home to the most powerful telescopes in the world at KItt peak the city has restrictions on lights...
so the stars are hella bright. Well this one i was looking at was turning red , blue and green!!!! I got my binoculars and looked and i was right.. the color lights were going round and round. I watched for a couple hours out on my patio hoping it would quickly fly away but it never did, i got bored and stopped looking.
.. what else could it have been?? have you ever seen a ufo. It didnt seem as wierd as i though it should.