Id amend with 1/2 cup kelp 1/2 cup crustacean meal and 1/2 cup of neem seed meal per cubic foot of soil. Also gypsum at 1 cup, basalt 1 cup , crushed oystershells, azomite or volcanic ash at 1 cup per cubic foot. I would also add atleast 20 percent worm or compost to the mix. Ive gotten away with not using cover crops but i do mulch with straw and wat with aloe and coconut water weekly. On my 4th cycle in the same smart pots. Ever since i switched to no till i have saved soo much on soil , time and work. It is definately the way to grow. Put it this way 2 seeds dropped in a pot from a previous harvest . This pot had ocean forest in it. All i did was add a layer of ocean forest and a 2 inch layer of worm castings and it fed these two small plants from start to finish i couldnt believe my eyes. That was when i was sold on the notill and making my own dirt.


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