Ramen Noodles..

Yakisoba gets my vote for best noodle.
This is my favorite brand...Gotta have the hot and spicy. Goes well with cantonese seasoned beef or chicken, and some greens.

ramen noodles are pretty bomb... I like to drain almost all the liquid and then add a bunch of hot sauce and mix it around.... so fuckn good. If it wasn't 8:30AM I'd make some, hahahhahah.
creamy chicken and orential are my fave!
if im not feeling lazy ill put some green onion and peas, maybe some cilantro in my oriental.
i ate so many ramen noodles when i first got married i thought i was going to turn into a fucking noodle. beans, eggs, and noodles kept the mrs and i from starving while working thru school.
Out of those 3 I only know Nissin, but I know there are many more that taste alot better. Kimchi flavour is my favourite and Nong Shim is best brand. I've been in Korea for 10months and just about all of them have Chilli.
The question is...do you pre crunch the noodles in the bag or man up and leave em whole?

I prefer whole.

Never break the noodles man, are you crazy?!!?! Hahaha It's like the Italian's with pasta, you don't break that shit in the middle for anything!

Now, my little secret recepie

With beef noodles, soy sauce, and a little sesame seed oil (pretty easy to find)

Cook noodles normally, but take em out about 30-45 seconds earlier than you normally would.

Totally drain them, then add beef flavouring, sesame seed oil (about 20ml) soy sauce (about 50ml) and stir it all together.
Chuck the pot back on the stove and cook for a little while longer, and add about a teaspoon and a pinch of sugar to the mix, let fry for 30 seconds then eat!!!

Fucking awesome, I often don't put the whole sachet in though, as it can be too strong in flavour then.
Best munchie food ever man and easy as hell and it makes plain old noodles taste awesome! Hehehe

I love noodles, enjoy!
no one mentioned the chow mein trays of ramen. they have italian flavored and mac and cheese. and the yakisoba ones are real good. if i'm just getting the brick ramen i'm all about any chicken variety or oriental. beef has a diaper smell that i can't put my finger on. and eating them crunchy was the thing to do when i was in grammar school. if you had ramen (we called it oodles of noodles at the time, it was a brand name) you were king.
maruchan! i get the plain chicken ones..boil like normal then drain out all the water n replace it with a little milk and butter. creamy's 'em up. then i shake in a little garlic salt and italian seasoning. fuckin bomb. lived off that shit all thru college, and sporadically still do.