Ramen Noodles..

beef flavored with tobasco great shit since the cold weather is on its way sounds pretty good right now that may what i'm gonna have for supper or maybe some chambells chunky sirloin soup hmm
This is great! Chili and texas beef are the best and u can only get them in prison! Suucks but dont wanna go there to get some. On the "outside I would have to say creamy chicken or hot and spicy! But ElMonte had it right Sirloin Burger from Campbells is the best thing in the f*ing world. LOve that shit...
la mian/ramen/la myun is chinese/japanese/korean. maruchan tastes like fucking ass. i'm saying you guys wouldn't know ramen if it turned you over and fucked you in the ass
hahaha. Who gives a shit about chinese, japanese, dirty knees, or look at these? 'Round here ramen noodles are about eatin' on the cheap cuz you spent ur cash on ganj. Guess its you that wouldn't know ramen if it posted something retarded on a forum :D peace.
damn speed freak go smoke some more meth. lmao. never met a stoner who'd get all bent and violent over ramen noodle quality. but if you want a war...bombs away. oh and all that talk about semen and dicks and guzzling and cocks makes u sound like a genius!
my bad fadezz i just have a prob with guys who jump outta no where and call everybody dumbasses. didnt mean to foul up your beautiful noodle thread.
no one mentioned the chow mein trays of ramen. they have italian flavored and mac and cheese. and the yakisoba ones are real good. if i'm just getting the brick ramen i'm all about any chicken variety or oriental. beef has a diaper smell that i can't put my finger on. and eating them crunchy was the thing to do when i was in grammar school. if you had ramen (we called it oodles of noodles at the time, it was a brand name) you were king.

I remember kids would bring a handful of them and sell them during recess :lol: Fuck that was a long time ago :lol:
i can't believe people found a way to fight about ramen noodles. maybe it happens more than i realize. perhaps there are some people on a car repair forum having this same disagreement right now. no, wait. only here.