Rand Paul forces Holder/Obama to lighten up on the drug war...

So, you're turning over a new leaf? If so, welcome to the human specie.

why do you see recognition of one type of racism as different from another?

why do you welcome my speech against racism when it's pointed at whites and lash out like a little girl when i point out racism against blacks or muslims or hispanics?

i could have asked that question to almost a million people here on this forum.
Any 'lightening up' is a precursor

Big pharma has been quietly patenting mj strains as 'cures', so they can further rip off the public.

They are close, so they need the hypocritical laws and propaganda changed that has brainwashed the public that as Mr Mackey from South Park said 'pot is bad, umk?'
why do you see recognition of one type of racism as different from another?

why do you welcome my speech against racism when it's pointed at whites and lash out like a little girl when i point out racism against blacks or muslims or hispanics?

i could have asked that question to almost a million people here on this forum.

You're a little late to jumping on the 'El Tib is a racist' bandwagon. He's a real racist, and it somehow got by you until now?
That's a far cry from the anti-white talk you were spewing.

How many black owned corporations make weapons of war, or chemicals, or pharmaceuticals? White corporations own the US because they fund the politicians into office (fascist methodology) who then make decisions to bring harm to innocent people. You are directly responsible for every death caused by the US because you followed their ideology.
NOPE. You've said that the white race should be exterminated.

why were you completely silent when the white supremacist crowd came through but suddenly have your panties in a bunch now that this idiot comes through?


reason is simple, it's the same reason why you agree with what the racist in my sig said.

completely transparent racist hypocrite is what you are.
Poor oppressed white males have it so hard though Buck...

i should have made an el tiberon sock puppet a while back.

watching the righties' heads explode over this guy mere weeks after they sat silent as white supremacists invaded the board tells you everything you need to know about them.

they only care about racism when it's directed at them. their silence in the face of white supremacists was tacit approval, their outrage in the face of el tiberon is the proof in the pudding.

they are too dumb to even realize this. after all, racists are dumb.
i should have made an el tiberon sock puppet a while back.

watching the righties' heads explode over this guy mere weeks after they sat silent as white supremacists invaded the board tells you everything you need to know about them.

they only care about racism when it's directed at them. their silence in the face of white supremacists was tacit approval, their outrage in the face of el tiberon is the proof in the pudding.

they are too dumb to even realize this. after all, racists are dumb.

When my internet gets fixed on Wednesday, hopefully, I'll make a thread about this and put you in your reverse racism place.
i should have made an el tiberon sock puppet a while back.

watching the righties' heads explode over this guy mere weeks after they sat silent as white supremacists invaded the board tells you everything you need to know about them.

they only care about racism when it's directed at them. their silence in the face of white supremacists was tacit approval, their outrage in the face of el tiberon is the proof in the pudding.

they are too dumb to even realize this. after all, racists are dumb.

Some of them are sock puppets undoubtedly.
Some of them are sock puppets undoubtedly.

kelly4 isn't a racist, he just presses the like button on posts by white supremacists then loses his shit when someone says something anti-white.

he also said that the racist utterance in my sig is true. but he's not racist. he just has a deep understanding of the black culture and how much they hate education and whatnot.
kelly4 isn't a racist, he just presses the like button on posts by white supremacists then loses his shit when someone says something anti-white.

he also said that the racist utterance in my sig is true. but he's not racist. he just has a deep understanding of the black culture and how much they hate education and whatnot.

Anti-racist = Anti-White
This is a very good point but they will refuse to see it. He is self-entitled due to his skin color alone in his own eyes. Whether taught to him or simply natural, he is just as much of a racist as any ever born.

This should be in the fucking dictionary under irony... "he is racist because of his skin color" lol!!!
kelly4 isn't a racist, he just presses the like button on posts by white supremacists then loses his shit when someone says something anti-white.

he also said that the racist utterance in my sig is true. but he's not racist. he just has a deep understanding of the black culture and how much they hate education and whatnot.

Shut your mouth. That's my homie. You already scared off my pal Moses.