Random Jabber Jibber thread

Nothing I guise. Just random. DMT is my hallucinogen of choice. I actually don't care much for Obama. Just thought it was an interesting photo shop. Obama admitted to being an avid pot smoker and cocaine user in college. Wouldn't be surprised if he used LSD and shrooms as well.
is that the fake weed shit?.. they used to sell it all over where i was living in FL. tried it once, thought i was dying.. its bullshit in a colorful bag
Yeah it is. And what does a pic of Terence McKenna tripping on acid and dmt and a spice bag have to do with being a homosexual? I have nothing against gays, my 2 sisters are gay. Why u talking shit? You look like a hillbilly meth cook. That mug shot makes you look tough? I got'em to. So what.
I'd smoke crack with pee see lol. Did you know he has his own video game on saga called pee wees fun house? Fucking random