Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I can tell by the pics you put up he is a bit of a showoff. That's funny cuz my husky mix was too.

I'm so happy for you. Now if you can just teach him to bite the balls of the neighbor from hell....

it would be a very merry x-mas indeed
My daughter likes to write quotes on this board.. she had one the other day that read I intend to live forever.. so far so good.. well she left it there for over a week and I finally told her she needed a new one.. so she writes "No body puts baby in a corner" which is ridiculous so I did this..

Well I think I like the new OS. Spent most of the morning reinstalling a bunch of applications and tweaking the shit out of it. Was definitely easier than last time but I do far less computing now and decided to forego installing alot of stuff that I really don't need. Should be good for another couple years. [/end nerd talk]
Neo... have you gotten into photoshop at all?

I love PS more then photography actually...

a quick edit..


skin blemishes cleaned up skin smoothed out... background distractions gone.. junk on her shirt removed.. etc..

Neo... have you gotten into photoshop at all?

I love PS more then photography actually...

a quick edit..


skin blemishes cleaned up skin smoothed out... background distractions gone.. junk on her shirt removed.. etc..


Just slightly. Not PS but I've used The GIMP for acouple things. Just cropping, red-eye reduction, exif removal and such. Editing is a whole nother beast.

Thought this was cool...

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About 6 years ago I was using both Fedora Core and Ubuntu but being new to the computer world I kept confusing myself and decided to make a choice of just one. I ultimately chose Ubuntu because at the time I was like Apt better than the native .rpm manager. Maybe one of these days I'll toss in a FC live cd for the hell of it.