So I have a confession to make.
I went to my sisters the other night and while I was there I fixed her router as it kept dropping the signal and my nephew couldn't connect his xbox1 to the internet. But before I did, I had to fix my sisters computer since it has been inoperable for about a year.

< that is my fault, I forgot about it. whoops. anyways, She had a major corruption in her MBR so her computer wouldn't boot. Well, after I had accessed cmd
I decided that I would just go ahead and wipe her whole hard drive and just claim it was an accident. I did this with my sister and my fiancee both watching as typed in the commands.
Neither had any clue what I was doing. My fiancee can work her way around a computer pretty well, but she doesn't know anything about this sort of thing. After I was done and I "reinstalled windows" my fiancee tried finding my sisters pictures on her drive since that was the only thing that she really cared about and I decided not to tell my fiancee right away and let her keep looking while I went and talked with my nephew.

I told my fiancee later and she laughed.. I'm not planning on telling my sister. I am planing on going and beefing up her security, but I thought of this as teaching her a lesson. Stop letting your teenager on your computer downloading hacks for the ps3 and xbox360 and more than likely his xbox1 once he gets his hands on the computer again.