Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I love when you tell a stranger to have a good day and the just look back at you like you are fucking stupid like "What on earth is this good day you speak of". I like to wave to strangers too even if they don't care to wave back.

a little bit of kindness goes along way.

A family down the street has a dad who I would see outside doing his carpentry stuff and I dig carpentry stuff so I would wave as I passed by for years eventually we spoke face to face and have talked a few times since.

They are going thru hard times (heard this 2nd hand) so I bring them food from the church to help them out.. spoke to his wife for a good 20 mins yesterday (they have 3 kids ages 11-14 2 boys 1 girl) I have a 13 year old boy 17 year old daughter.. we live about 4 houses from each other our kids have never played with each other.. till yesterday their youngest asks to play with my son.. I suggested a nerf war.(my son has an extensive nerf arsenal as do these kids) it was game on from there.. yard had about 6 kids in it last night.

My son told me they are all coming back again this am.. today it's Nerf markmen ship and Nerf Horse game
Man I need to clean my musical instruments, and get some new strings and shit. Fuckers at the music store didn't had any of the things I need though, and I ain't settling for cheaper quality shit:cuss:
that just puts up a link though it doesnt make it like my sig, if you want to have like a nice view, you can do both though
I got a new pair of hiking boots.. (not that I hike.. but I wear em..)*took Joe's
advice about getting something new for the speech.. my old shoes were about 4 years old and well used.. and I will still use them in the yard... damn I am cheap.. speaking of cheap.. the cheapest pair I have bought to date.. normally 50$ marked down to $17.94 at target..

I also bought these acupressure type insoles for me and my son.. I knew I was going to be doing a shit ton of walking and standing up that day.. wifey had me in every store looking at grandbaby shoes.. she "almost bought" a gabillion pairs from each store cuz as she says.. "Awwww looky.. wittle choose for da wittle grandbaby" "awww.. HOW CUTE!!"

gotta admit.. I do the same when I walk past the Dog isle.. "OH.. Roxy would LOVE that" or "Awwwww Roxy NEEDS this"

medibles and coffee.. in.. moving on to stage 2

Yo G ya killing me hear with ya funny talk Hahahahahaha lmfao !!!!!
I do the same with my Roxy !
You do the whole sarcastic thing pretty good if you ask me !! LOL
seriously? that shit is an italian staple we would have tons of that stuff at my nonna and nonnos house LOL
My parents sheltered me as a child. The other day I made a smoothie with coconut milk and bananas and decided to add peanut butter and it was rediculous. I was out of peanut butter and picked up a jar of Nutella and now I'm in love.
It has been 4 days since I discovered Nutella. I don't know if my life will ever be the same again.

It won't . Nutella is SOO good, you can make so many good munhies( sweet ones ).......I did nutella fudge..........(add a little MJ ) , and DAMN........soo good.

But, I did , make one tray, minus cannab's, for my son.

I'm still in awe, that he is SO strait..........by 19, he , you would think, if he's gonna get high, he would have, by now.

He did do 3 shots of vodka, X mas eve, when he got "pre engaged ", but hasn't been interested in it again, since ,

I'm not complaining, its great , that getting buzzed, on anything, doesn't tempt him . It';s great, imo .

Just makes me wonder, if it really is , a burnout mom, with a rebellios kid, so , he rebels by being a brainiac, instead..........

*tiny happy and proud*:lol:

OOPs..........slight derail..........I be buzzed, ...............sorry
Is this where the sane people are holed up? That politics section is a warzone of insults, butthurt, whining, misinformation, more insults, and completely irrational thought; if they can stay on topic.
Is this where the sane people are holed up? That politics section is a warzone of insults, butthurt, whining, misinformation, more insults, and completely irrational thought; if they can stay on topic.


LOL jk

I feel ya it is quite the joke over there. Much like Jr High at lunch.
Holy shit !! Made some qwiso for the first time.ended up with a sticky amber goo(looks gorgeous under magnification).after some macgyvering of my bong with a tube and funnel thing I decided to try a few dabs.ok,note to self-you don't need "a few"dabs.....
Geez I'm wrecked! I just went to see what my wife was doing and she's not even home from work yet ...argh! I'm not leaving my chair for awhile.how do you clean this shit off? Don't get it on yourself...