Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Never done 12/12 fs but that sounds like
a great yield.
Ive gotten less from well vegged plants.

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Yea, I was hoping for more. I usually get around 8oz with a couple weeks veg. Gonna be shooting for more with the PE since I know how it grows and I'm gonna top and train the shit out of it. :wink:


Well-Known Member
I was pulling some dead leaves off my auto a moment ago and I ended up ripping off a little bud. :cuss:

The top part is quick drying, but I checked the trics and their mostly clear still.


Well-Known Member
I was looking in my closet for a box to put some cuttings for a friend, when I found some bud I grew like a year and a half ago. Smells pretty dank, and it hits real hard. Jah wonderful :joint:


Well-Known Member
Those seeds will be interesting to follow
im curious about uniformity.
From what I understand its supposed to take after the parents not sure if it will give me both to create the PE strain in one seed, but I would think it would.

I'm curious as to if my auto seeds are going to be all autos.


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Steve French

Well-Known Member

The greatest band who ever played in terms of good song to shitty ones, or just good songs in number in general. Anybody who says otherwise is a cunt and we should fist fight to prove the victor.


Staff member

The greatest band who ever played in terms of good song to shitty ones, or just good songs in number in general. Anybody who says otherwise is a cunt and we should fist fight to prove the victor.
oh man those outfits...:mrgreen: