Random Jibber Jabber Thread

wow some people have no life.

this guy registered yesterday and started fighting with everyone and in result people trolled him saying they had his IP address
. than he made a second account so i banned it

so he flipped out on me saying it was his wifes account ect.
so to PROVE to me they were two different people he sent me their facebook accounts

so last night i decided to leave the issue unresolved cause i went out for dinner and drinks.
low and behold i get this crazy ass message calling me a cunt sauing hes going to kill me
so i decided aiight enough of that shit hes done nothing but cause fighting and drama on the forum , so i banned him

now hes making stupid fucking sunni accounts , and spamming the board.
which one mod decided to give that account 1 warning point??? i dunno


@curious2garden @cannabineer
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wow some people have no life.

this guy registered yesterday and started fighting with everyone and in result people trolled him saying they had his IP address
. than he made a second account so i banned it

so he flipped out on me saying it was his wifes account ect.
so to PROVE to me they were two different people he sent me their facebook accounts

so last night i decided to leave the issue unresolved cause i went out for dinner and drinks.
low and behold i get this crazy ass message calling me a cunt sauing hes going to kill me
so i decided aiight enough of that shit hes done nothing but cause fighting and drama on the forum , so i banned him

now hes making stupid fucking sunni accounts , and spamming the board.
which one mod decided to give that account 1 warning point??? i dunno


i guess he forgot i have his facebook accounts hahah
like i said people are stupid

he was all worried about his ip address , he decided to give out his facebook accounts....
yeah them an all their 8 fucking "likes"

this is a post on the "wifes" wall:
A warning to all my friends I have a malignant narcissist attacking me on Facebook at the moment ..this woman has interfered in my life for long enough !!! So please if she or any of her family contact you with any seemingly important rumors of a disgusting nature take a screenshot and send to me ...Thanks guys most people on Facebook are awesome people unfortunately this scum is lurking !!

It's clearly obvious they are the problem

ROLLITUP .....WARNING.................................................................................hey Guys I am guessing you already know this site is a hacked piece of shit but I went there and got harrassed by a fucktard called kiwijohn and he then made another account under the name chavez ...the mods let them post my IP and this retard tried to send hijacking software to my computer ...so the mods blocked ME and they are still there hacking members IPS the mod sunni is a slag tart self rightous pig of a woman who really could care less about her members ...she is a nasty piece of ahite and letting someone new be treated like an idiot by a bunch of TRY HARD hackers is fucken laughable SO THIS IS A WARNING TO ANYONE PLANNING TO GO TO FUCKTARD HACKED ROLLSHITSLUT IS ASKIBNG FOR PEOPLE TO EXPOSE YOUR IP this retard has been trying and tring to hack me over an arguement on a forum and as SUNNI THE SLUTBAG WHORE IS TOO BUSY SUCKING COCKS TO DO HER JOB YOU WILL BE HACKED TOO ...BE CAREFULL FACEBOOK USERS THIS SLUT FACE MOLE WILL LET THE HACKERS THAT HACK HER INFO SCREW YOU STAY AWAY