Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I was at a coney place today for dinner and had my back to a table that was talking rather loudly. I didn't turn around, but it sounded like two men and their parents.

I'm hearing the two guys talk about how they dress classy and don't want to look like a scrub. At one point their conversation drifted to the one man's love life. They tried to cheer him up about finding the "right" woman. They talked about women he had dated in the past, and the man couldn't remember their names. The ones he did remember "were really nice" but "got fat" when he had seen them last.

So I am thinking: Wow, what an dumb kid. Can't remember all his girl friends and he is obviously very superficial.

Then the mom says, "What are you doing? You are 31 and act like your still 18"

The conversation became very interesting lol.

So I still haven't seen this guy. I get up to pay my bill and glance over. First impression.. GAWD WAS HE UGLY! His face was all kinds of messed up. White guy with hooked nose and lips looked like they had been injected to be superpuffy. He was wearing a black and white fedora with a black leather jacket and a shirt that totally did not match.

I left that restaurant and was just cracking up. What a buffoon. He shouldn't be so picky.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I was at a coney place today for dinner and had my back to a table that was talking rather loudly. I didn't turn around, but it sounded like two men and their parents.

I'm hearing the two guys talk about how they dress classy and don't want to look like a scrub. At one point their conversation drifted to the one man's love life. They tried to cheer him up about finding the "right" woman. They talked about women he had dated in the past, and the man couldn't remember their names. The ones he did remember "were really nice" but "got fat" when he had seen them last.

So I am thinking: Wow, what an dumb kid. Can't remember all his girl friends and he is obviously very superficial.

Then the mom says, "What are you doing? You are 31 and act like your still 18"

The conversation became very interesting lol.

So I still haven't seen this guy. I get up to pay my bill and glance over. First impression.. GAWD WAS HE UGLY! His face was all kinds of messed up. White guy with hooked nose and lips looked like they had been injected to be superpuffy. He was wearing a black and white fedora with a black leather jacket and a shirt that totally did not match.

I left that restaurant and was just cracking up. What a buffoon. He shouldn't be so picky.
Sounds like he needs a gay eyes for straight guys intervention.