Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
i just got pulled over because my brake lights worked, just not in the manner the officer expected. the inner ones went on, not the outer ones.

it was strange.


Well-Known Member
i just got pulled over because my brake lights worked, just not in the manner the officer expected. the inner ones went on, not the outer ones.

it was strange.
Racial Profiling?

That does sound like a crock of shit. The color is what matters not the location.


Well-Known Member
I ordered a hazelnut with 2 cream and 2 sugar, and I get a blue-fucking-berry coffee. Fuck you Donkey Donuts.


Well-Known Member
greenswag you need a hug.

Lets play a bedtime story with smiley faces :hug::D;)8-):oops::wink::(:hump::shock::weed::clap::idea:bongsmilie8):sleep:
Haha excellent story! Thank you, my fevers down today and I think I'm on the mend now. Got some good sleep last night so I think that helped. My immune systems a boss.

On another note I hate valentines day :lol: