Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Before i was bartender i was head of barbacks. Better then tending i made tips from all weddings/events and just had to worry about putting away liqour counting inventory. And ordering liqour at times.

Best job. I could drink all day and blame someone i hated


Well-Known Member
Iv thought about getting the bar tenders license, I bet they make bank on the strip but bartenders are a dime a dozen here and it really comes down to who you know, that's how this whole town works


Well-Known Member
Iv thought about getting the bar tenders license, I bet they make bank on the strip but bartenders are a dime a dozen here and it really comes down to who you know, that's how this whole town works
I am unsure of that. Getting a bartending job aint hard.

I should mention i live in. Neighborhood saturated with them. Also they know i can make a mean drink.

Whiskey+whiskey÷no glass= doinle fisting that jim beam

So you have titties? I can guide you from there


Well-Known Member
I am unsure of that. Getting a bartending job aint hard.

I should mention i live in. Neighborhood saturated with them. Also they know i can make a mean drink.

Whiskey+whiskey÷no glass= doinle fisting that jim beam

So you have titties? I can guide you from there
I'm sure getting a bartending job isn't that hard, but getting one in a nightclub or in a classy hotel is prolly not very easy, again who you know kinda thing, I bet bartenders at nightclubs on the strip make a couple hundred in tips a night


Well-Known Member
Im fully li
I'm sure getting a bartending job isn't that hard, but getting one in a nightclub or in a classy hotel is prolly not very easy, again who you know kinda thing, I bet bartenders at nightclubs on the strip make a couple hundred in tips a night
Ya I was a at weddings/events. Ya bartending was hard to get there. Moatly cu the ones there mever left. Tips too good. I got fired or i wouldnt have left. I d


The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping she forgets about it cuz I don't plan on ordering one unless someone can tell me they own one and it's the shit. I don't trust anything being sold on a Sunday afternoon infomercial.
with plumbing i do a lot of work with copper.. i believe its non stick. nothing bonds to it except solder, and that comes right off with some heat. if the price is right id give one of those pans a go.


Well-Known Member
with plumbing i do a lot of work with copper.. i believe its non stick. nothing bonds to it except solder, and that comes right off with some heat. if the price is right id give one of those pans a go.
Interesting. I forget the price. But he was cooking marshmallows and cheese and just everything that would make a burnt mess in most pans. Plus the cheesy , over excited asshole trying to sell the thing really made me think this thing has to suck. And it's probably just a thin copper coating no? So when your mother-in-law comes to visit and uses metal utensils on your good pans even tho you've asked her several times not to do so (totally fictional scenario of course ;) ), could it be easily ruined?


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I forget the price. But he was cooking marshmallows and cheese and just everything that would make a burnt mess in most pans. Plus the cheesy , over excited asshole trying to sell the thing really made me think this thing has to suck. And it's probably just a thin copper coating no? So when your mother-in-law comes to visit and uses metal utensils on your good pans even tho you've asked her several times not to do so (totally fictional scenario of course ;) ), could it be easily ruined?
if its real copper.. yeah it would mark up, but take a grit cloth or a scotch brite or something and itll shine right up.. copper lasts forever if you take care of it


Well-Known Member
So I am probably going to change my number. So from weird phone calls now I got some weitd texts coming in.

Whoever it is "yo"
Me : who is this?
Who ever it is: who is this
Me:you texted me
Them: it says u called me.
Me: ::looks at call log:: naw man I dont have this numbet on my phone
Them: you threatemed my mom and told her to kill heraelf and she did
Me: lols didn't see this twist coming.
Them: tell yhay to the cops
Me: i guess so.
Them: that or imma track your ip and get reckless
Me: sounds like a righteous plan m8. Ill be sure to have a few beers.
Me: so do i tell yhe cops u threatemed me. Btw i dont think u can track an ip on a burner phone.
Me: lololol so cute. Thanks for killing tjme while i pooped
Them: pussy ass bitch.

I stopped responding.

I say them as they actually called again and inbetween the shitty music i thought i heard two voices. But i have bad hearing.

Should i post the number here? Maybr one of uou can straighten this matter out.

Maybe get his dad to commit suicide next??


Well-Known Member
I thi k it may be cat lady. That was like 3 hrs of texting. I left out aome gold as i read it all over.

Goes on about my fb saying i look gay. I only have cat pictures btw

Lots and lots of cat pictures.


Well-Known Member
I thi k it may be cat lady. That was like 3 hrs of texting. I left out aome gold as i read it all over.

Goes on about my fb saying i look gay. I only have cat pictures btw

Lots and lots of cat pictures.
cat lady is insane lol.. you drinking with us tonight?


Well-Known Member
cat lady is insane lol.. you drinking with us tonight?
Ya, whoever this was texting must be someone fucking with me. I ahowed it to my buddy and he goes "sure you don't know this number?" Naw I checked both phones.
This would be a new high for cat lady. Although i did talk to her blacked out on tuesday. Probably said something bad.

Im always down to drink.