Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I am pretty happy my local bar continues the tradition of serving free dinner on holidays.

I been going there a long time mostly for thw qrong reasons but some thowe people are like family.

This bar serves mostly people with little to no money. It is really nice to see. All meals came with a free drink.

Wasnt a bad meal either. Minua where I was the food was a solid 6.5/10

I also go christmas day.

Yes I am very poor

Edit: they have no working kitelchen so they orser aome food from a local placs but they also do a turkey if you are there early. Ao food is forst aerve or if ur a local they make you up 2 plates(1 for sinner, 1 to go) me a local but they know my business so ita kinda middlem save me lots of veggies n taters


Well-Known Member
Some day I will bring one of you to theae marvellous places and you will learn sf ia a much different person.

Quite normal really and a good host.

People never want toleave. I would noy let a gois man go qithout qhat I ak doingor eatingm

Im always eating or aniffing.


Well-Known Member

Big hugs homie..
This is a great place for the sorta thing. Trust me

Lota good people here

Everyone knows I went down a dark path...

AnywAy loves you catdog
I think i talked bout my homie cst dog for a min.

Mayne the drugs got me imagining.

This whole less meat more veggies shit is jot workinh.

@sunni youd be proud. 43$ on veggies nd fruits. I do it almost every 4 daysm

I eat a lot.

I am called a hipster and deerm

I cry


Well-Known Member
So, here is a rare pinworm post for you. I think I am finally done doing powder.

I quit on Sunday and have been clean since. I got past the sweats and the shakes. It was getting to be pretty gnarly. I was literally up to 4 grams a day, easy. Once I read that I was doing almost as much as Charlie Sheen minus the winning, I got a little bummed out.

I went through the worst, and am finally chilling out. But, this morning when my kiddo showed me the golden side of humanity, my faith was restored. I felt like I was letting her and myself down with the nonsense.

It was GWN's advice that got me here, too. No bullshit. I put a picture of my little one in my wallet and whenever I reached for a dollar to roll, I would see her looking back, and it really resonated. So, I just wanna say thanks, boss. I know this isn't a fucking NA meeting or whatever, but I thought you buttholes might be stoked to know I am done with shredding my insides. I'm fucking 30 something now, and I got shit to do. Tired of being a cliche...