Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
...I decided to play a game I haven't played in a while, only to discover that pretty much every mod for it is defunct and pretty much every site for it is dead.

I wish I had my 3TB of HDD space back then, I would've had them all saved.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
...I decided to play a game I haven't played in a while, only to discover that pretty much every mod for it is defunct and pretty much every site for it is dead.

I wish I had my 3TB of HDD space back then, I would've had them all saved.
Orthil......Think of me as your grandpa for a sec k......I dont have a Fucken clue what your talking about!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Orthil......Think of me as your grandpa for a sec k......I dont have a Fucken clue what your talking about!!! LOL
Sorry, gramps! I wish I had the roughly 3,000 gigs of hard drive space I have now back then, so I could have saved some modified package files for one of them new-fangled vidja games.


Ursus marijanus
Any men here that pee sitting down? Feel free to make fun of me, but I started peeing sitting down and I find it to be a much more pleasurable way to go to the bathroom than standing, especially if it is my own house. I mean, there is no chance of a shot going wide, it is more relaxing sitting down and sometimes it leads to a number 2 that I never knew was there.

Pure bonus: the seat is always down, lid always up, making it friendly for female guests.
But otoh ... cn


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie, every time I see someone complain about the toilet seat, man or woman, I just think...How fucking lazy can you be where moving a few ounces of plastic is too damn much for you?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie, every time I see someone complain about the toilet seat, man or woman, I just think...How fucking lazy can you be where moving a few ounces of plastic is too damn much for you?
I don't have a problem with a man standing and peeing.. As long as he wipes down the toilet and surrounding tile after each piss.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
So now that I read that...it reminded me...the other night I was channel surfing and came across Alaska State Troopers....it caught my attention cause the trooper says ....right now we are on our way to a tip we got of an indoor grow ETC ETC.... so ...sure enough....they bust a young college kid with 26 plants....here is what gets me.....they later show the tropers at the station with a large scale and the are weighing it.......stems about 1 inch thick....weighing stems and all....then boasting how it weighs x amount of LBS and how that will impact the charges ETC.....I sat there like....what A crock of shit....total bullshit.....but thats the legal system for you....