Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
A) There's toilet paper if you're paranoid.
B) Wash your fucking hands.
C) You touch worse shit in most commercially available food.
A) I shouldn't have to put toilet paper down on my house toilet.
B) If it is on the floor (splash) I am getting it on my feet. If it is on the back of the toilet or lid it could get on my shirt.
C) Please name something that is worse than piss in commercial food. (shrimp poop doesn't count)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
does anyone else walk into a public restroom and when you see a person taking a shit you start making fart noises and then turn the lights off before you leave just for good measure? ... or is it just me lol

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Men only need their balls for one thing anyways.
Hmmmmmm...I'm not sure I totally agree.....My balls are precious to me!!!! Granted....they are older balls but mine none the less and myself and speaking for about 99.999 % of the guys on here....am/are not willing to part with them...LOL !!!!!!!! Just something about the family jewels.........