Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Man I feel like a rookie asking but what's the law in Nevada for smoking weed?
I don't want to get busted and spend the rest of my life wearing pink undies and working on a road crew...
Taking the wife to Reno for the week end to celebrate our 40th anniversary.
Planning on being discrete we have a NICE room to smoke in.
I did bang her

Originally Posted by Singlemalt
1985, freshly divorced, still fighting demons aquired during Uncle Sam's service 14 yrs before. Bought some rural property and trying to become a farmer and nursery business. Working like a dog, moving irrigation pipe all day long and in the evening drinking dago red like a fish. I know no one here, much less women. There was this JW had been coming around and was my only social event...he was a cool guy and I had told him that no religion was allowed. He was a former Marine, I was former Army both of us had been in RVN. So he'd give me the magazines and then we'd talk horticulture, RVN and shit, then they'd leave ( keep this in mind, they always come in at least 2's). One day he comes with 4 people...his wife, some old guy and a hot little nymph. He pulls me aside and says he's been getting shit from th JW's cuz we never talk religion...just bullshit; so would I please give a little and let them make the pitch. OK, I play along and I am fucking charming. He's happy and I can't stop thinking about that hot little nymph. Well, shit! 3 days later lil hottie shows up alone and I'm on the porch into my 3rd bottle of vino. Thank you Jesus! Turn on the charm, swear to God, and get her to drinking and drinking. Poor lil repressed baby. Wants a tour of the greenhouse and end up doing her on a bed of basil. It was heaven. She later leaves having exacted a promise from me to attend a bible study in a few days...of course I don't show, she comes over a couple days later with the Marine's wife (a nice but a tough true believing black lady)....man she dressed me down, calling me Satan and shit...the hottie is in tears, so I excuse myself and come back with 3 glasses and 3 bottles of wine and a steno tablet. Ms Marine is about to stroke out she's so pissed, hottie is wailing and I start drinking heavily; taking notes. Ms Marine is so pissed she can't speak anymore....they pack up and leave. About 6 months later, Mr Marine shows up alone and says I've been blacklisted by the JW's and he can't come around anymore....to this day they have not been back
Man I feel like a rookie asking but what's the law in Nevada for smoking weed?
I don't want to get busted and spend the rest of my life wearing pink undies and working on a road crew...
Taking the wife to Reno for the week end to celebrate our 40th anniversary.
Planning on being discrete we have a NICE room to smoke in.

[h=5]What penalties might I face for marijuana possession in NV?[/h] If you're convicted of marijuana possession in Clark County, NV, the penalties you may face depend on whether the amount of pot you were accused of possessing exceeds an ounce. Whether you've been convicted in the past of marijuana possession factors into it as well.
(Aliens convicted of marijuana possession for personal use are deportable unless the amount was thirty grams (30 g.) or less--click on the this link to learn more about deportable crimes in Nevada.)
Below are the typical penalties for marijuana possession in Nevada. But if you're facing a conviction for marijuana possession, it's crucial you retain a criminal defense lawyer to negotiate aggressively with the prosecution to minimize these penalties or to argue your best case should you go to trial.
If you're convicted of possession of one ounce (1 oz.) or less of marijuana in Las Vegas, then the consequences are relatively lenient (assuming it's just a first or second offense for possessing marijuana). However, penalties grow harsher with each successive possession conviction:
If it's your first offense, it's just a misdemeanor. You may face fines of up to $600 or be assigned to a drug rehabilitative treatment program.​
If it's your second offense, it's still only a misdemeanor. This time you'll face a larger fine, up to $1,000, or you may be assigned to a drug rehabilitative treatment program. (NRS 453.3363, NRS 453.580)​
If it's your third offense, it's now a gross misdemeanor. A judge may fine you up to $2,000, or sentence you to a Clark County jail for up to a year, or both. (NRS 193.140)​
If it's your fourth offense or greater, then it's a category E felony. Unfortunately, the judge may then call for one to four years in the Nevada State Prison. You may be fined up to $5,000 as well. (NRS 193.130)
Man I feel like a rookie asking but what's the law in Nevada for smoking weed?
I don't want to get busted and spend the rest of my life wearing pink undies and working on a road crew...
Taking the wife to Reno for the week end to celebrate our 40th anniversary.
Planning on being discrete we have a NICE room to smoke in.

ZERO TOLERANCE bro.You go to jail for a joint.They actually froze my buddy's bank accounts,credit cards by the time he got out( a day or two)
I think he was trying to get krondizzel back and said he would leave if he couldn't.

pretty dumb,What a waste of a pimp.Brasssteriod account wasn't good enough for them.I hope that isn't why he isn't around and it'd be nice if pimp came back around
dr.greenhorn left riu many months ago
potpimp was ont he other night he is still amod but has never been a mod of riu he does gmg and grd
dr.greenhorn left riu many months ago
potpimp was ont he other night he is still amod but has never been a mod of riu he does gmg and grd

i'm pretty sure potpimp used to mod the nutrient section of the site here sunni as i got into a huge fight with him one time after he said he was going to delete any thread about advanced nutrients before.
Ha you said extended when talking about weiners...
I'm having the little fkr drug tested for marijuana... he's gonna be 14 (in dog yrs) in January... I at least waited til I was 16
i must say attitude frist time buying from them inless than an hour my order was processed and dispatched quite pleased with that