tip top toker
Well-Known Member
You can't grow. roflmao. Nevermind, say ignorant shit to us.
It sounds like you need to find a new forum. One where people that can't grow hang out.
We are being trolled by some fuck that can't grow with a carebear avatar. roflmao. Too appropriate rollitup, too fucking picture perfect.
It's like a forum commercial. Come to rollitup were you can get trolled by some ass stain that can't grow and has a carebear avatar. lmao.
If I wasn't seeing it, I wouldn't believe it.
Ya, carebear, whatever you say. Ill get moving right along. Please don't beat me with your star shaped pillow.
You sounds like the image of maturity. I think it is the likes of you who RIU could do without. Your repetition of the phrase "can't grow" out of it's context is evidence enough of your trolling. You are a very angry person.