The moderators of this forum are: hellraizer30, racerboy71, tryingtogrow89 & potroast
One of these individuals likely gave the ban and would be the best group to kindly address here ...
We know why. And we know who was kind enough to point out the infraction to potroast. A snitch is a snitch is a snitch.
RUI loses
We know why. And we know who was kind enough to point out the infraction to potroast. A snitch is a snitch is a snitch.
RUI loses
crack? That's offensive.. maybe u grew up on welfare but we could afford coke.And once again he misses the point. Or points
1) The listed above would hav been very helpful with what is in your sig. But they are just word to you. While RD,TSD et el actually do something on a global scale.
2) CRACK ho
Sorry about your mom. It explains alot about you
Now here is the type of guy who would support matt riot ...She was a spammer with a crap attitude IMO. Good riddance. Good weed doesn't mean good people. Bad people doesn't mean bad weed. I'd still run their gear if it were given to me but I wont support them or any breeder financially
Very sad,you try and come off as mature,but you keep on poking but yet you like to call everyone out.We get it,you like to seem above all of this but clearly you are not.crack? That's offensive.. maybe u grew up on welfare but we could afford coke.
U seem to think that juvenile jabs like yo momma jokes will effect me in the least bit.. ur merely giving me something to do. I'm on two months downtime I literally have nothing better to do at this moment. Getting paid for this makes it that much more enjoyable
Mature would be the guy that walks away from a problematic situation rather than adding fuel to the fire. Anyways, I thought you had already proved to yourself that you are a piece of shit.I'm not above anything. I don't try and come off as anything if I were trying to come off as mature.I would have let it be after the second post. This is just something to do at this point. Keep coming back hoping to see if the threads back on topic yet. But it doesn't seem that's gonna happen.
She should be back on in no time we all agree she shouldn't have been banned at least without warning. That's been established. Maybe it was dick of me to state my personal opinion unwarranted but welcome to the internet. Ill leave ya be now but it'd be nice to see the thread get back to budporn
ironic. I recall making a general factual statement. I wasn't the one talking shit initially. I admitted my guilt in continuing it. Nothing personal just for the sake of amusement. I wasn't the one unable to handle an opinion. I wasn't in here making personal insults towards ones opinion. With the exception of mocking the "fucking idiot" remark.Mature would be the guy that walks away from a problematic situation rather than adding fuel to the fire.
Hoping this doesn't get deleted for "Spam"
To All:
I do not want any fighting. I have tried to run my threads drama free and respectful for all. Even though I have been banned, I request you guys conduct yourselves respectful. Keep your post clean, respectful and be intelligent. Do not act like idiots. This community has far too many people against it for you guys to turn against your fellow growers. Conduct yourselves properly. Keep your Karma clean. This is not the end of the world. Of course I was shocked and my feeling were a lil hurt. But after thinking it over and baking holiday cookies, all is ok. It is RIU bussiness and they can do as they see fit. My only issue was a warning would have been nice, or a request to run an ad.
From what I gather, I somewhat offended Mr. Sensissensai and I guess I became a important issue for him. (my opinion of course) He is allowed his opinion, the only one I object to is the statement about my attitude. I think my attitude has always been respectful, I just do not like people posting to stir the pot, cause drama, or to stroke their own ego. Some people, for whatever reason are so unhappy with their own life, they need to feel powerful, need that ego boost, and attention. It makes everyone look bad, and no one respects people like that.
But To all the supporters.. Thanks.. I was told about the "bring back Mrs. RD" thread.. i was honestly shocked. As a thank you.. you guys are getting a lil "thank you" gift.
I laugh at the notion of you being in any position to judge anybody. And I could care less what you think of me. Those who matter know who I am.. I sleep very well at night.