I've seen more spam and worse attitude from breeders that are still around here and posting that have never been banned.......so regardless of your opinion the admin that banned her knows that they were unprofessional about the situation and that it deserved a pm and a deleted post far before anyone should have been banned......She was a spammer with a crap attitude IMO. Good riddance. Good weed doesn't mean good people. Bad people doesn't mean bad weed. I'd still run their gear if it were given to me but I wont support them or any breeder financially
Sorry if u don't like my opinion. But I'm not the only one whom bares it. I was as respectful.as I can be about it. If that upsets u get over it.
some admin wanted to be an asshole....
U must be new here lol. They mean well but they can definetly be assholes. But that's not gonna change the fact that she promoted herself and didn't follow the porper procedure in doing so. As minuscule as it may seem.
People tend to get moody when friends get banned for doing something once that others do regularly and don't get banned.... as far as smoke a j..... bout to twist 2...OG and Blue Dream...Sarcasm buddy. Awfully Moody little group. Reminds me of someone that used to frequent this page. Smoke a j people
for some ridiculous reason mrs. Rd was banned for spam!?!?
If this is about the promo on seed depot then why isn't swerve banned? He has a whole thread called "who wants a sick promo?"
It's because she posted a link to the forum. Had she not posted the link Potroast probably wouldn't have gotten so butthurt about the promo advertisement.
Swerve may have started a thread talking about a sick promo with the attitude but he neither posted a link to the attitude nor did he post a link to another forum and tell RIU members to head over there for more info.
I understand some rules were broken, but even the POLICE give warnings, so butthurt or not, a pm with an explanation of a deleted post would have been WAY MORE APPROPRIATE & PROFESSIONAL!
I said sending a mature message to immature people is pointless.....hence why I haven't sent a mature message to the admins......it seems that making immature posts might get the point across to immature people.........If its pointless why you wasting tine even talking about it? Talk to someone that can help or move on. Festering is just pointless.