Rare dankness/rd genetics

Lol. Ill pass. I kinda like it in here. Plenty to laugh about. I love that not one of u can handle genuine honesty without reacting in a hostile manner. It speaks a lot towards your character. and then proceed to expect us to trust your judgement of another of your group and write a message to someone to try and get her back on here. Laughable is an understatement. There's massive amounts of irony in your posts. I enjoy reading it.

Members being banned without warning speaks a lot towards admin's character.... you liking to stir the $#!t pot speaks a lot towards your character....
Lol. Ill pass. I kinda like it in here. Plenty to laugh about. I love that not one of u can handle genuine honesty without reacting in a hostile manner. It speaks a lot towards your character. and then proceed to expect us to trust your judgement of another of your group and write a message to someone to try and get her back on here. Laughable is an understatement. There's massive amounts of irony in your posts. I enjoy reading it.
Where did I act hostile to genuine honesty?
Just walking in the door. Really sucks admin wants to go east coast - west coast with Rare Dankness.
I hope this clears up.

To sensi-no sense. lmao. You are a fucking idiot.
When several people call you a fucking idiot, you should go back and reread what you posted. Here's your cue.
What I posted? I said she was a spammer with a crap attitude. Many of the mods are assholes but it doesn't change the fact. then told them to stop bitching about it and address admin maybe they'd see results. Way to raise the maturity level with misguided insults. Awesome to see. I've yet to say anything offpoint or untrue.
You must be new here to someone with a 2008 date is offpoint, untrue, and fucking stupid to anyone new or old to this thread.
Calling Mrs RD a spammer with a crap attitude, makes you just a fucking idiot to those that are older to the thread.

There is the point. But I have had a long day, and we can get all kinds of 6th grade up in this bitch if you want.
Sarcasm. "Fucking idiot"
Truth "fucking idiot"
She didn't follow the rules for advertising she got banned. Am I the only one who reads shit before agreeing to it. As stupid as it may seem.. that's the fact. She fucked up she got popped. Bitching about it to us wont do half as much good as reporting others who do it and emailing admin.
What I posted? I said she was a spammer with a crap attitude. Many of the mods are assholes but it doesn't change the fact. then told them to stop bitching about it and address admin maybe they'd see results. Way to raise the maturity level with misguided insults. Awesome to see. I've yet to say anything offpoint or untrue.
Besides the point you made a general statement that everyone in here acts hostile to honesty which is fuckin stupid; you also have the intelligence of a 3 year old to believe in teleportation. So how bout you go teleport yourself out of this thread because you have no idea WTF you are talking about.
Teleportation wtf are u talking about? I was referencing rd and smurf not yourself. I laugh at the thought of anyone I've never met judging my intellect via internet. You know nothing of me.
Teleportation wtf are u talking about? I was referencing the few I was speaking with not yourself. I laugh at the thought of anyone I've never met judging my intellect via internet. You know nothing of me.
Your history on this forum speaks for itself. Also, I chill in this thread so when you state everyone in this thread acts hostile to honesty you include me in that statement. So if your statements are always true, show an example of honesty where I have acted hostile. Otherwise you are full of shit, just trying to start shit, which everyone can clearly see except you.
Now let see some rd genetics bud porn or stfu. That's what the threads for
No.So let me get this straight? I post that RD gear is dropping for sensidouche. Mrs tries to help. Gets banned. Now Sensi who has loudly proclaimed that he would never buy seeds from RD or TSD wants pics and test grows??? Yeah right!! Damn glad I had your number early sensi. Anyone wonder if mrs rd's post was reported by a member???
Really? Re- read buddy. I wouldn't buy them. I wouldn't ever buy genetics. I never have and never will. I have no need to. I'm always interested in good bud. I never once insulted their product. Quite the contrary actually. So yes. I am interested in seeing it... its why I initially clicked on this thread...
The moderators of this forum are: hellraizer30, racerboy71, tryingtogrow89 & potroast

One of these individuals likely gave the ban and would be the best group to kindly address here ...

I am familiar with hellraizer30 & racerboy71, they are cool fucking cats in my book. I am not familiar with tryingtogrow89. Potroast is one of the main moderators, correct?
She was a spammer with a crap attitude IMO. Good riddance. Good weed doesn't mean good people. Bad people doesn't mean bad weed. I'd still run their gear if it were given to me but I wont support them or any breeder financially

another 14 year old , , i thought they checked your age on here