Re-elect Obama 2012 thread

that $100 to the salvation army easily makes up for killing innocent people based solely on the color of their skin, among other reasons.

you blithering fucktard.
I think I get what your trying to say....I think we all need to write bill gates and ask him to stop his work.[youtube]XWyL9dg8la8[/youtube]
i will REALLY lose my shit.
Is that literally like as in " Goddamnit I just put that turd I ground out this mornign right here, now where did it go? Did you kids take it?" or do you mean Figuratively? as in you will respond with a reply that is so epic it will get you banned for 3 days kind of post?
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

united states constitution, article 6

KEYES: You came under a bit of controversy this week for some of the comments made about Muslims in general. Would you be comfortable appointing a Muslim, either in your cabinet or as a federal judge?
CAIN: No, I will not. And here’s why. There is this creeping attempt, there is this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.

pretty fucking hypocritical for a man who claims to be a strict adherent to the constitution...

also, how fucking dumb is this guy? i'm glad you asked!

“based upon the little knowledge that I have of the Muslim religion, you know, they have an objective to convert all infidels or kill them.”

at least he admitted how little knowledge he has.

fucking dumb shit.
Is that literally like as in " Goddamnit I just put that turd I ground out this mornign right here, now where did it go? Did you kids take it?" or do you mean Figuratively? as in you will respond with a reply that is so epic it will get you banned for 3 days kind of post?

no reply. just laughter here.
Pure Gaffe.. No wonder you roam these halls acting like you do.
I was serious, those were my three big votes this year and two were close and I won, wish I had my ballot, I would poast it, I voted no on all the judges to and theirs a lot of them I voted no on every one, Its just a yes/No
for real, wish I had my ballot, I would poast it, I voted no on all the judges to and theirs a lot of them I voted no on every one, Its just a yes/No

Well it's a bit off topic so last words? I hate to judge ya but..
I was serious, those were my three big votes this year and two were close and I won, wish I had my ballot, I would poast it, I voted no on all the judges to and theirs a lot of them I voted no on every one, Its just a yes/No

you win! yay!

big smiley face sticker for you.
Can we all just pick someone good to run the country, agree on it and vote so theirs no more tension? I've made suggestions, who do you want? You all really want Obama again? I thought he was all about change, maybe he wants to vote for someone else to, that would make for more change
He does have a point and now that he is out we can all gauge his point of view from here on out.

Don't count on my support. The evils of American Capitalism are not fond remembrances for me.
so much substance, i don't know where to begin.

you better get ready now to wipe the sand out of your vagina when he wins again.

unless you can tell me who will beat him, that is.

if you say herman cain, i will REALLY lose my shit.
A stripey-assed baboon could beat your Messiah. And would certainly do a better job as Chief Executive.

I have stated previously that Hillary will cock-block the Big O. I stand by that.

I like Herman Cain. I wish he could win. But alas....
A stripey-assed baboon could beat your Messiah. And would certainly do a better job as Chief Executive.

I have stated previously that Hillary will cock-block the Big O. I stand by that.

I like Herman Cain. I wish he could win. But alas....
Good thing the Republicans dont have a stripey-assed baboon then, eh?

There isn't a single candidate that's shown interest so far that can beat Obama... That's just reality.
Good thing the Republicans dont have a stripey-assed baboon then, eh?

There isn't a single candidate that's shown interest so far that can beat Obama... That's just reality.
Patience, Grasshopper. This thang just got started.

All the players have not even been identified.

The R's will have a horse race on their hands. A front-runner will not emerge until a year from now.

And Hillary will be Ted Kennedy to Barry's Jimmy Carter.
united states constitution, article 6


pretty fucking hypocritical for a man who claims to be a strict adherent to the constitution...

also, how fucking dumb is this guy? i'm glad you asked!

at least he admitted how little knowledge he has.

fucking dumb shit.
Dude you are Jewish, isn't it your dream to have all the Muslims die?