Re-elect Obama 2012 thread

We are all Monkeys is a cage wishing they had the key and the understanding to use it.

Things cycle.. Pot people trip.. A = B...
You’re an asshole and I don’t like you. I’d respond to anyone but you stupid prick. I think your scum of the earth. You’re a fucking idiot who doesn’t understand the first thing about economics, the constitution, or even personal liberty and freedom. You couldn’t be honest about politics if your life depended on it. You can’t have a debate without getting personal so fuck you. See your side always claims to be tolerant but your just full of shit. So go fuck yourself liberal douche bag.

wipe the sand out of your vagina.
I think Obama is doing the best job he could do ( with the deck stack against him ..damn kenyan born, socialist, muslim who stole the country ) and much better then Mccain would unless someone can tell me a better vote in 2012 I say OBAMA 2012
^^^ this guy likes pictures of dogs shitting...kinda this a new fetish

that's exactly what i was thinking, too.

if he was trying to insult me, the least he could do is be original.

oh, excuse me. if SHE wanted to insult me.

because that poster clearly has a vagina. one with a lot of sand in it.
I think Obama is doing the best job he could do ( with the deck stack against him ..damn kenyan born, socialist, muslim who stole the country ) and much better then Mccain would unless someone can tell me a better vote in 2012 I say OBAMA 2012
Paul, Ventura, Duke, Kucinich, Trump, Jim Deakin?
dude if you mention Trump I can't take you serious....Now try that again and this time be for real
I would vote for all of those people, Trump least enthusiaticly of them but I liked what he said about putting tarrifs on imports from China, even though I realise that might have a short term negitive effect on consumers
dude if you mention Trump I can't take you serious....Now try that again and this time be for real

he also mentioned a few other winners.

a genuine racist (duke)

someone who says they would have marched with mlk, but fails to mention that they would have eaten at separate lunch counters afterward (paul, ron or rand)

a guy who takes in conspiracy theories like they were cocaine on a stripper's ass (ventura)

a guy who came in third place in the republican nomination for senate in az 2010 (deakin)

kucinich might be ok, but he lost a lot of points with me lately by being overly litigious about olive pits. at least his wife is hot. not sure how he managed that one.
I think it will be hard for people to vote for someone that likes to "fire" people in this time period of the the show but Donald has ZERO chance of winning....again be serious
I think it will be hard for people to vote for someone that likes to "fire" people in this time period of the the show but Donald has ZERO chance of winning....again be serious
They all suck, maybe we should elect Arnold Schwartzenegger.
And U.B. why do you refer to DR Duke as a 'Racist"? That sounds really negitive when you put it that way, And for Paul, I ment Ron, but his age does worry me, I'm not sure he could win or be effective, wish we had elected him years ago.. Or Paul Broun?
someone who says they would have marched with mlk, but fails to mention that they would have eaten at separate lunch counters afterward (paul, ron or rand)
You ever tire of the same old crap? You have been espousing this garbage for months now, everyone already knows the truth, some refuse to admit it.
it could be that he was the grand wizard of the kkk.

derp dee der.
So what is wrong with that? A lot of Americans were in the KKK and they did a great service to our nation. I don't that should proclude him from being president and I think for anyone to think so is predjudest. He could be just what this country needs.