Active Member
You should get a position at Media Matters as one of their anti-Beck flunkies, since the only requirement is making false claims about what they say on their broadcasts. You sir are a LIAR.
What was said, and it was by O'Reilly, not Beck was that if they "ONLY" reported the truth without being "PROVOCATIVE", they would be off the air. A far cry from what you claimed they said and by the wrong guy, you didn't watch the video did you, you just read an article on MediaMatters and regurgitated it on this thread.
Beck also DIDN'T say retarded, he said Trump made him "UNEASY", again you didn't actually watch anything did you? And Beck is always self depreciating, but you wouldn't know because MM didn't tell you to go on forums and type that.
Fox news is a joke. Yes they report news but news that has been altered to a specific point of view, nothing new there.
As for Mr. Beck and Orilley, when I think of these two men I think of two very very wealthy individuals. The reason they have this wealth? They say crazy opiniated Shit on tv. Also some people actually believe in what they are expressing is true. Best example? Obama isn't an American citizen.
Fuck religion, fuck fox news, fuck fuck fuck republicans and tea baggers.
I'll vote for Obama again.