Read this, see the ignorance we face!

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
we should track down this guy, force him to smoke a bowl and then see what he has to say:mrgreen: though i do agree with the one fact that:

Fact 5:
Nancy Reagen did not start the war on drugs. This is a common misconception, and it is only used to weaken the anti-drug arguement. Drugs have been bad ever since Satan defined "bad".

damn you satan for creating weed:finger:... now i am really going to hell:cry:
oh wait, i thought the bible said that GOD created the heavens and earth... not satan. wheh... thought i was in trouble there for a moment:mrgreen:


Active Member
Fact 4:
People that use Marijuana often engage in such "undesirable" activities as premarital sex, vandalism, listening to heavy metal, and shoplifting. (They steal and sell what they get, all to feed their habit.

LMAO! listening to heavy metal??


Well-Known Member
Thats all bull. If they want to start attacking drugs, attack the pharmaceutical companies. Half the people I know are on prozac or some sort of prescription drug and they are complete MENTAL cases. You go to the doctor these days and no longer do they care about going to the ROOT of your problem they just prescribe you some drug and send you off to the pharmacy. This is what our medical practice has turned into.

This is how our society works: If you havent had any water to drink all day your body will let you know by giving you a headache...So instead of drinking water, we take a pill to SUPRESSS the headache. The problem is still there, your body is no LONGER able to tell you BRO YOU NEED WATER, no we just supress everything. Now i'm not against advil or excederin or anything that was just a simple example. But this is how it is, "oh, you're feeling sad? Well take this pill it'll "regulate" you " Whatever happened to "why are you sad and what solution can we find to make it better" Nope now its just pop this pill and ignore it!

So basically marijuana does pretty much the same thing, why are THOSE legal and marijuana not? Whats the fucking difference man? This irks me but you knwo what, I just smoke a joint and forget about it HAHA :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Fact 5:
Nancy Reagen did not start the war on drugs. This is a common misconception, and it is only used to weaken the anti-drug arguement. Drugs have been bad ever since Satan defined "bad".
Harry Anslinger started the War on Drugs. He was the first drug Czar.

Father of the Drug War

Reagan and the shrew he was married to merely escalated the pre-existing war and made it much more punitive and deadly.
Drugs have been bad ever since Satan defined "bad".
Did this poster mean right after god created cannabis and hemp, Satan made it bad?
Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so.

The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1: 11-12 - Genesis 1
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Well-Known Member
I am not going to commit suicide after reading that. I am going to kill the person who made up that shit. People will believe anything you tell them, especially if everyone around them seems to believe.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTEFact 10:
Marijuana is just stupid. The people that do it come from high risk families and frequently report to having been abused as children. Don't throw your life away for Mary Jane.[/QUOTE]

i find this quite offensive
wtf? high risk families :finger:
he should of just said "most marijuana users aren't born in hospitals but crackhouses."

those are jokes not facts


Well-Known Member
Date Posted: 2/10/03 5:06pm Subject: 10 Important Facts about MARIJUANA! Don't do it! First of all, I want to present you all with some REAL facts about Marijuana. These are the truth and undebatable. The only replies I want are ones that praise me for this service. NO FLAMES PLEASE!

Fact 1:
Marijuana is a gateway drug. Most users of Marijauna (92%) that use it, end up using drugs such as Crack Cocaine or "e".

Basically it's the other way around. Most people who use harder drugs also smoke pot...

Fact 2:
Marijuana contains many harmful chemicals. One such ingredient is carbon, the same chemical found in your urine, poison, and feces. Yuck!

Carbon is not a harmful chemical. Whenever you burn something you change it into carbon due to it being CO2. Either way carbon is not harmful. WE'RE FUCKING MADE OF CARBON!

Fact 3:
People that use Marijuana often don't get jobs as adults. Many times they regret ever experimenting/being a frequent user. The suicide rate for Marijuana users is MUCH higher!

First of all, about 98% of them have jobs or are looking for new jobs. Just because someone smokes weed doesn't mean they can't get a job. The suicide rate for marijuana users is actually a hell of a lot lower than suicides in general. That was an outright lie.

Fact 4:
People that use Marijuana often engage in such "undesirable" activities as premarital sex, vandalism, listening to heavy metal, and shoplifting. (They steal and sell what they get, all to feed their habit.)

How is premarital sex undesirable? It's that kind of ignorant bible thumping logic that makes us weak. Anyone ever heard of Banksy? The graffiti artist and political activist? That's not vandalism. It's art with a message. Although I agree the majority of heavy metal sucks they are generalizing that all people who listen to heavy metal are bad people who make bad decisions... Not true. And shoplifting? Do I even need to go there?I earn all the money I spend on my "habit". lmao

Fact 5:
Nancy Reagen did not start the war on drugs. This is a common misconception, and it is only used to weaken the anti-drug arguement. Drugs have been bad ever since Satan defined "bad".

She didn't start it. She propagated it even further and harsher than it ever was. Making her the Hitler of her time for judging everyone that does drugs to be a bad person who needs tough love. That wasn't her call and it never should have been. The war on drugs actually started in the early 1900's with Anslinger or w/e his last name was. This is all despite the fact that Cannabis is used in the holy anointing oil... And that about 5/6's of the people who lived back then all smoked hemp and hash. The middle east (babylon back then) was and still is the biggest producer of hash.

Fact 6:
Doing drugs does not make you cool. In a survey 78% of kids reported those that did drugs as "losers" and "unlikely to suceed".

This came from the Nancy Reagen times. I don't think drugs make me cool. I smoke pot because it alleviates most of my illnesses a lot better than the medications I have tried. Plus it's a great and safe way to relax. Who the fuck cares what kids think about drug users? They were all indoctrinated by you pathological liars and hypocrites and brainwashed by your government propaganda since they were old enough to walk.

Fact 7:
Marijuana smells bad, and those that use it can easily be identified. Women prefer those that don't use it, because Marijuana losers the pheremone testosterone, the chemical that makes women lustful. It is also the chemical that makes your penis big.

Umm... what in the fuck? First of all, it smells amazing. I beg to differ about women preferring those who don't use it. You don't lost the "pheremone" testosterone because IT'S NOT A FUCKING PHEREMONE YOU IGNORANT TWAT!! Besides, I thought premarital sex was something no one wanted? And there isn't a chemical that makes your dick big. Sorry but if there was, all those penis enlargement pills would be full of it. Once again, another outright lie.

Fact 8:
Contrary to popular belief, Marijuana IS addicting. Those that use it end up throwing their life away, all for the chance to "get high".

It's psychologically addicting. Not physically addicting. There's a huge difference. You can get psychologically addicted to anything. Including food. And how am I throwing my life away? I can finally live my life to the fullest because of it.

Fact 9:
Marijuana contains 3x the harmful chemicals as a regular pack of filtered cigarettes! You've seen what those do! Imagine the havock weed wrecks on your body!

If this is referring to the amount of tar then yes, it does have 3x the amount than a normal cig. However, it does not contain harmful chemicals. We know this because you can't OD on pot. It's simply not toxic enough. Anyways about the tar issue. Tar is not what causes cancer which is a huge misconception. What causes cancer is the rapid breakdown on harmful chemicals which releases radiation. Pot doesn't release a 100th of the amount of radiation cigs do. It doesn't wreck havoc on the body and we know this because of Irv Rosenfeld. He's been smoking 11 ounces ever 30 days for over 20 years and he's completely healthy and fine.

Fact 10:
Marijuana is just stupid. The people that do it come from high risk families and frequently report to having been abused as children. Don't throw your life away for Mary Jane.

So once again... Explain to me how it's stupid since I just debunked all of these arguments?And also, way to appeal to those who feels sorry for those who have actually been abused...

Well if i wasnt out of pot id be laughing, but since im slightly drunk i feel more like crying.
I dunno who released this but I hope they get sodomized with a brick laced with aids.


Well-Known Member
We encounter people everyday who are capable of repeating at least one of the 'facts' put forth here. Let's put this in the category of KNOW YOUR ENEMY.

We will counter by deconstructing these arguments one by one. I did #5 already. I'll do #10 now. More to follow. Enjoy!
Fact 10:
Marijuana is just stupid. The people that do it come from high risk families and frequently report to having been abused as children. Don't throw your life away for Mary Jane.
Stupid like the founding fathers?
Major General George Washington, U.S. Revolutionary war hero and first president of the United States cultivated hemp as a crop on his farm.
Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the American Declaration of Independence, which he drafted on hemp paper, was the third president of the United States. He cultivated hemp.
Ben Franklin, started the first American paper mill, which made paper exclusively from hemp.

The people that do it come from high risk families and frequently report to having been abused as children; like Al Gore? The children of U.S. Senators have it pretty tough.

People who threw their life away like William Shakespeare? - Drugs clue to Shakespeare's genius - March 1, 2001
Maybe you are referring to Pablo Picasso, Steve Jobs, or Carl Sagan.
Famous Cannabis Users
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Well-Known Member
Fact 1:
Marijuana is a gateway drug. Most users of Marijauna (92%) that use it, end up using drugs such as Crack Cocaine or "e".
92% is pretty hard to argue with. I would like to know the source of that staistic, however. While you're at it, please introduce me to any crackhead who never smoked a cigarette, drank a beer, took an aspirin, watched television, had sexual intercourse, gambled, or drank a Coke before smoking crack. Those are all drugs, too. Why are they not gateway drugs as well?

This gateway you speak of was created with prohibition of cannabis 71 years ago. It is not the substance, but the circumstances we must endure in order to procure our drug of choice which is the gateway. By seeking out cannabis from the black market we are exposed to cocaine/crack, ecstasy, crystal meth, L.S.D., and heroin. Eliminate cannabis from the equation and there goes your gateway theory. Prohibition is the gateway - the drug is irrelevant.

Mankind has been using cannabis since prehistory. The evidence for cannabis use throughout history is ample. Where is the evidence of prehistoric crack or ecstasy? Where exactly does your precious gateway theory come into play where cannabis is concerned?
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Well-Known Member
I say cellular reproduction is the true gateway drug! Anything or anyone that has ever had a cell reproduce in his/her/its body has tried some drug in its lifetime.



Well-Known Member
Most of that is probably true.......but hey you only live once you might as well enjoy it. To me there are more dangerous drugs. Including prescription drugs. Alcohol is the most destructive drug on the planet and completely legal.
So people who bash Marijuana really have no credibility.......and they are usually downing alcohol when they bashing bud.


Well-Known Member
Because if you say something with the word "fact" attached, people are likely to believe it.

95% of all statements with 'Fact' in the title are taken as fact without any research being done... :roll:


Well-Known Member
i had this crazy bitch teacher in highschool and she always came up with bullshit "facts" that she would try to validate with throwing in "per capita" after everything.