Ready.. Steady.... GROW ! .... Vento's First Grow journal 18/06/10


Active Member
Dunbedaft ! hehe .. Post away man , Someone might see it and it helps them with an idea .. Go on ... DO IT! DOOO IT ! DO it ! :)

btw .. Thanks for the Friends request :)
will do bro - sorry been floating around here and othe websites :P lol. will post pics tomorrow.
gonna subscribe to this thread
bathtime now....catch u all in 24hrs or summin.
youre welcome for the friend request Vento ;-)


Well-Known Member
Vento sneak's in under the cover of darkness.. Whispers " welcome to my journal Seaneff " .... deposits some pictures and with stealth makes a slow exit befor anyone notices and starts asking questions .... but will return to update this journal in the comming days ...

6x6daysold.jpg IMG0262A.jpg IMG0264A.jpg IMG0263A.jpg IMG0265A.jpg IMG0266A.jpg

6 xClones 6 days old ....3X rooted seedlings ( Unknown strain ) 1 x cutting 8 days old ( light stealer )

4 Times Pot Of Gold 8 weeks old ( 6 days into flower period )
:weed: ;-)

V :peace:


Well-Known Member
ur gonna wanna bury them rapid rooters a inch or so below the surface or when the plants get bigger they will tip over..


Well-Known Member
ur gonna wanna bury them rapid rooters a inch or so below the surface or when the plants get bigger they will tip over..
Hi ya Delux :)

Yeah , I just sat them in the soil in the pot's so they don't roll about... give them a bit of support :) ,I have back filled round them since i took the pics :P

I was really supprised by how well the cuttings acted after planting them , I put straws in with them to prop them up incase they wilted a little .. lol they pushed the straws out of the way ... no wilting what so ever :)

I soaked the jiffys overnight in a 1 ltr mix of PH ballenced water ( 5.8 ) with 1mil of Rhizotonic and 1 mil of H2o2 then gave them a little squeeze befor putting the cuttings in .... I allso put them in the pots empty under the light in the propergator for a few hours prior to planting to get them up to temp .... the clones LOVED it :)

Thanks for the pointer ... but they are nice and tucked away now :)

Will try and give a better update later :)


Active Member
lol, my cam's the same on the phone! stupid blackberrys. will use my decent cam when my partner returns from holiday with it


Active Member
:weed:finally - the pics of my little veg rack (not for potatoes n shit - for vegging in the 1st 4 weeks) simple screwed together strips of wood (£6) and some white/black/white (£3 worth) along with my flourescent tubes - seems to work ok! As you can see, I added some small hooks and chains to adjust the height (£7 max)IMG00138-20100818-1408.jpgIMG00140-20100818-1409.jpgIMG00139-20100818-1409.jpg


Well-Known Member
LOL .. use the edit button and clean up my Journal you pikiey :P

See .. heres the thing ...You have NO need to feel embaressed about that one tiny bit Cafe :) ... you have a veg box For £16 thats to be appluded mate :) ... It works .. does the job its ment to do and you never had to bend over when it come time to pay for it all :)

I love it ... and im inspired to actauly build something like it ( as my veg box is only really big enough for about 10 small cutting's / babys ) in the very near future :)... So you should be PROUD of your fine craftsmanship and your sence with money ... I wish the world had more people like you :)

+rep If you can tidy my J by the time i get back P


Active Member
hahahaha...pikey. Thx - didnt know you could do that! always too stoned to notice stuff like that properly! lol - all tidied I hope?
Thanks bud - I thought it might help somebody who is better placed to spend money on more essential products if it's their first set-up - I'm glad you like the idea!

Yeah, mine's just big enough for about 4 plants - more than enough for my needs.


Well-Known Member
Connection Established ...|

Incomming Transmission .... Update imminent !...|

ETA: 8:00 Pm Earth Time ...|

Standby ......


Well-Known Member
Day ?? ( need to re-count... 8 Weeks Veg + TWO Weeks & 2 Days Into Flower Stage )

Hi all :)

Sorry for the delay in my updates...But im trying :)

Last Grow Room Update i was just getting over a battle with heat issues i think , I resolved it with a Passive intake vent cut into a loft hatch just outs side the Grow Room .
PassiveLoftVent.jpg PassiveDuctIntoCooltube.jpg PassivetoCooltubetoTtoFilterandOuttoExtraction.jpg PassivetoCooltubetoTtoFilterandOuttoExtraction2.jpg

It's all contained within the one cupboard ... I Ran a duct from the hatch , Across the loft and down into the flower room , Connected it to a Cool Tube and connected the other end to duckting back out into a second Loft to where my my extraction fan is located .

*Pics to be added later*

I had no issue at the time with oder so that was a quck fix , I later added a T-Peice Connector inside the room to pick up the Carbon Filter ... So i had negative preasure ... a cooled Light .... and oder control all by adding a vent and a T-peice :)

Clone Time ..

So with all heat issues sorted i decided now was a good time to take clones , This was a bit of a dreaded moment for me , I knew WHAT to do ...I just wanted to make sure i dit it RIGHT .

I'm happy to report it all went well and all 6 of my clones have taken root and are well on the way now :)
Clones G2.jpgClones G2 17 days old.jpg

Flower Period Begins 10 / 08 / 10

So with all heat issues sorted , Clones Taken and looking very fit and healthy ..It was Flower Time :)

This was 6 days in and as you can see they had shot right up .

IMG0266A.jpgIMG0265A.jpgIMG0263A.jpg IMG0264A.jpgIMG0263A.jpg

Sorry about the pics.. i have a better on now as you will see below :)

Flipped to 12/12 as soon as i had the heat under control ( 10 August moms birthday :) ) and all i can say to discribe what happened next is ..... WOW !

The growth in the first week was allmost violent ... and by the end of the second week ...i was praying for the growth to STOP ... or at the very least slow down ... Wow they grow FAST !

The preflowers turning to buds within 2-3 days ... then the buds just sprouting all over the plant from top to bottom, Im shocked at how many buds and the sizes of them when i compaire them to my friends plants that are exactley the same strain.

It really is night and day ...and heres the reason i think mine are diffrent .

I started useing H2o2 and Mono Nitrogen just befor i flipped to 12 /12 , For 2 feeds befor i flipped i was adding

2mil per ltr of Mono Nitrogen ( 27% )
1mil per ltr of H2o2 ( 17.5% )

I had also been useing Cannazym for about 2 feeds prior to that .

I will let you decide for your self if my plants look better for it when you see my buddys plants .


pog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower 2.jpgView attachment 1122332pog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower 4.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower bud 2.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower 1.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower bud 6.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower tops.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower3.jpgpogbig.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower Bud.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower Bud.3.jpgpog at 10 weeks  two weeks into flower Bud.4.jpgPogBud.jpgPogtop.jpg

Started to use Canna Boost this week for the first time , Cant say i have seen much difference with it yet ... but it's only been a couple of days , Fed them late last night again so need to wait till lights on to see if i can notice any changes in bud growth .

I'm pretty excited about how all of this has gone and im looking forward to the next 5 or so weeks to see the buds forming and growing :)

Here is the Feed schedual im on at the moment .

All mil per 10 ltrs

Canna A + B 25 -35

Canna Rhizotonic 5

Cannazym 25

Canna Boost 25

Mono Nitrogen 5

And one shot of PK 13/14 last week

Thats all i can think of at the moment , If you have any questions or want to dive in and add some input ... Feel free :)

I will be adding some shots over the weekend but for now ... Thanks for watching and lets hope the next 5 weeks result in some aazing looking buds :)

I will post some pics of my friends plants later ...we need some help as his grow is NOT going to well .

Thanks for watching guys ... Hope you have a GREAT weekend :)



Well-Known Member
Hi ya Fella's :)

Ok ... The time has come .... I need to make / find / Buy some kind of Clone/ Veg / Mother Garden ....i'm allready pushed for room as it is ... so i need to put a lot of thoght into this ....I only really have one choice for a location

The room i'm in now ( Spare room ) is where my PC and a load of " MY THING'S " are located , I have mad big Tool Boxes , Nirto RC Cars & and all the kit that goes with keeping them running ... Deck's and mixers ..amp's and god knows what else , i have my little clone room i made a few weeks ago and another unit just like it .... Basicley this room is RAMMED fulla gear that i CANT get rid of , My loft is crazy full of stuff from moving ... boxes ... crap that i keep " Just In case i might need it " along with a multitude of other things ...I doubt im gonna actualy need that time laps security VCR though :)

So ... i need to learn E-bay or something ... get rid of some crap ... make room for some of the other crap so that i can get a bit of space in this room .

THEN and Only THEN can i set up a little plan i have for a 3 -4 level storagte cupboard , Was looking at one in argos for £70 ... but seen a bigger better looking one for a bit cheaper ( but cant remember where ( forgot to bookmark )... andy one got any recomendations ?

So the plan is ... a locking storage cupboard ... Lower section for a couple of mothers with a MH ... Middle section for Vegging , Might use some CFL's or some tube floros .... Then The top section for Clones ( Thinking about an Aeroponic Cloner with Mist maker ) might use some CFL's or some tube floros there to .... Straight away one word jumps to mind " HEAT " i might deploy a small ex fan and maybe a filter in a seprate top section and have a passive intake at the bottom .... Thinking about the " Air Floor " system Hobb's was talking about .

So thats the plan :).... Now i need to learn e-bay ...i have NO clue lol .... then clear some crap out .... then go and get all the kit needed .

I have about two weeks to do this befor my clones become to big for that clone box i built :)

Any ideas ?.... anyone know how e-bay works ? lol

I will find the cupboard thing again and post some pics ...maybe collect a little list of things needed to get it up and junning and journal the build ... could be fun :)

Will allso update with some pics of the POG later today :)... some hairy lookin pussy's on my girls now :) mmmm yumm


Well-Known Member
Hi ya All :)

Just got time to post a few pics of my girls to keep this J rollin :)

I will be getting them out of the room tonight so i can give the room a bit of a clean down and make some adjustments ... So will take some shots later of them in the open :)...But for now ... Enjoy

Day 19-20 Of Flower : Pot Of Gold



