real estate market caving in...


Well-Known Member it wont be much longer and no matter what uncle sugar does it wont be able to pump money into the holes fast enough to stop the bleeding... i just posted a link where the fed is pumping in a half trillion dollars.i wonder what kind of dent a half trillion dollars will make in a real estate market that is bleeding trillions more than that?i wonder what a 18% devaluation in real estate across the USA in the last year was worth?i bet it wasnt chump change..:fire:
I don't know if you saw the 60min piece a few weeks ago about the Alt-A market just about to begin the reset phase...

My bet is the feds force loan modifications or mandate that banks refi without using appraisals.

The giveaway hasn't even begun yet.

Once the economy starts to turn around..........its gonna take $5 to buy a loaf of bread. But we could be several years from that.

The only way to get these homeowners above water is inflation. Gold will hit $3,000 an oz. in the next decade.

Don't think the euro will be safe......Being a part of the EU the governments are mandated to keep their budget deficits within a certain level..............and if they are gonna try to do what we are doing now, they'll have to abandon it. There's rumors Italy might be the first. But, I'd give it about a 10% odds. Not very likely.
I saw a report about a month ago that said that by 2010 1/3 of all homes for sale will be bank owned.

What's really bad is the empty homes are getting trashed by people coming in to steal the copper pipes and other things they can sell at recycling centers.

Shit's getting more real every day.

Maybe world financial collapse is what the 2012 theory is all about.