Real jobs suck..

I was a paper shuffler for a lot of years but had benefits and the foresight to max out my 401K and IRA's. A lot to be said for a steady weekly paycheck and benny's.

Good for you to make certain your job paid you back. That's less common these days, unfortunately.

I honestly feel that in order to stave off desperate poverty near the end of my life, that I must start and build a successful company, one I can sell my stake in when the time comes and retire comfortably.

I've seen the job of the mover n shaker and I don't want it. I'm not in this for fame, I'm here to build a better future by making it cheap, easy and fun to grow your own food indoors, for your family or a nation.

I just don't want my money to run out before I do. And you know exactly what I'm talking about.
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1200 is no money at all. After taxes fuck you then you are left with 900. Then it costs nearly 3000 a month just to live. Then you need to see 3 or 4 prostitutes a week so thats an extra 600 or 800. I am on amoxicillin right now. I got sick, i dont know if i have an std by my genitals feel kind of funny and so does my asshole.
I've had about 4 years off from any kind of job, all of my income is now from music and growing. I know I'm going to have to 'work' for a while to funnel illicit funds into legit business, but at least I won't be working for anyone else. I fucking hate working a traditional job, trading hours for dollars just sucks. I was pretty burned out though, from working almost 30 years. I love what I do now because I rarely need to interact with people, for which I have a low tolerance...
I have a white collar job that is the envy of most of my friends (lots of money & less than 40 hours per week). I hate it. But, I don't think I'd be truly happy doing anything work-wise so I just deal with it and hope my mood changes. Smoking helps. I had a two years of unemployment after getting my engineering degree, it gave me a taste of retirement and I miss it.
Been a while since I've had a "real" job. Worked at a place making semi trailers for a few months a year ago otherwise I've been farming and picking up deer for the state for almost the last decade. I also have another house in town I own free and clear that I rent out.
I don't know, I hear that oil is about to skyrocket up 200 a barrel really soon. And my little Asian girl says Saudi Arabia is about to go to war with Syria so I think I might go back to oil field for a couple months to save up some cash. But I fucking hate oil field work. It's real work, and it sucks balls. But 1,200 a week..
My first real job was on an oil rig worming steel out off the hole. I worked in energy in one form or another for 21 years. Now I'm almost 40 and my knees and back a shot. My new career is much easier on the back and stoner friendly. :eyesmoke:
I remember when 1 wage per family with a bit of overtime would buy a house, a couple used cars and send your kids to college. I've been in manufacturing for over 40 years. I've worked for many of the top 20. I will be retired in 10 months at 62. My wife has never really had to work. We don't have a lot but we have some pension. My children will not. It's sad. Good paying jobs must come back. We can't race to the bottom. My son and son in law make good money. They are in maintenance as well. 3d printing metal is the future. I'll just wind down and leave the future to the youngsters. The old farts like me haven't voted well.
1200 is no money at all. After taxes fuck you then you are left with 900. Then it costs nearly 3000 a month just to live. Then you need to see 3 or 4 prostitutes a week so thats an extra 600 or 800. I am on amoxicillin right now. I got sick, i dont know if i have an std by my genitals feel kind of funny and so does my asshole.
You are over paying your hookers I got a blow job in Daytona Beach FL for $10. And I could pay many whores in drugs if I wanted whores but obviously you couldn't get pussy I can get plenty of ass without paying a dime.
I remember when 1 wage per family with a bit of overtime would buy a house, a couple used cars and send your kids to college. I've been in manufacturing for over 40 years. I've worked for many of the top 20. I will be retired in 10 months at 62. My wife has never really had to work. We don't have a lot but we have some pension. My children will not. It's sad. Good paying jobs must come back. We can't race to the bottom. My son and son in law make good money. They are in maintenance as well. 3d printing metal is the future. I'll just wind down and leave the future to the youngsters. The old farts like me haven't voted well.
True that on the good paying jobs need to come back. I was laid off in 2014 from an $80000 a year job and replaced it with a $36000 a year job. Things are tight at the bean's place. It's what got me back into growing though. I couldn't afford to buy my smoke anymore.
Yea i can pay dumb junkies a point of h for their aids infected pussies but i dont. I can get it even cheaper than 10 bucks. Its way not worth it. I can get a pound of weed for 100 dollars to but do you think i ever do? Im quitting seeing hookers to for a while. I am taking a break because i think i caught something again from cumming in so many. My life really has no meaning and i am just a walking corpse if you think about it.
Yea i can pay dumb junkies a point of h for their aids infected pussies but i dont. I can get it even cheaper than 10 bucks. Its way not worth it. I can get a pound of weed for 100 dollars to but do you think i ever do? Im quitting seeing hookers to for a while. I am taking a break because i think i caught something again from cumming in so many. My life really has no meaning and i am just a walking corpse if you think about it.
But mom can make microwave stew and ya got around $1000 a month; you are close to free lol