i like to believe the ghost liked me? maybe lol its a possibility, but i never had anything happen directly towards me with that house.. i got one more story, this is the one that makes me really believe theres some sorta souls still out there, ghosts or whatever.. i was pretty young, like 17 just got my license and i brought this girl over to my grandparents house.. my grandma was in the hospital she was pretty old and in bad shape, but she was into all that crazy dark magic crap.. tarot cards and stuff.. the only reason i was there was to take my grandpa to see her in the morning, but i convinced my girlfriend at the time to sleep over there. she woke me up because she heard people downstairs moving stuff around and she was scared, i thought it might of been my grandpa then i heard him start snoring so i checked it out, every light was on down there it was weird.. noone around, turned off the lights then went up to bed, as soon as i went up and hit the top of the steps, every light.. back on, i thought i was going crazy or whatever.. then i heard footsteps then a cane coming up the steps mad slow. like footstep.. cane.. footstep.. cane then it goes by the room i was sleeping in no shadow or nothing, just the noise right to my grandpas room and it stopped, so i got to the point that i thought i was just going fucking crazy, i didnt wanna believe none of it. my grandpas dead so i can put this out there.. the reason we were like.. this isnt good is because i grandpa was a serious serious meth cook in the area.. so i thought it could be someone he burnt or did something else too... i dont know, well i went to see my grandma with him the next day and she starts crying saying she thought he was dead and shit. said she had a dream that was too realistic to only be a dream, that a bunch of people came in and looted the house looking for meth and someone my grandpa burnt for a lot of money that died like 2 months prior went upstairs and beat him to death with a cane over the money. that was when i started to believe in ghosts or whatever youd call it