Real Organics

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I decided to bring inside my compost I blended with the bokashi.
I have (2) 20 gallon tubs full of it.
The "compost" portion of it is about 7 months old and comprised of bovine/equine manure, bat guano, chicken manure, alpaca manure, alfalpha, comfrey, dandelion, cilantro, nettle, whole fish, oak/maple leaves, lake weeds, kelp meal, geeen sand, human urine and 1 bale of straw.

I added (2) 5 gallon buckets of it. And to that I added 20 gallons of my homemade custom ammended soiless mix, comprised of...
Coco peat/fiber/chip
Canadian peat
Par boiled rice hulls
Leaf mold

It's ammended also with alot of hemp mulch and fiber as well as the basic nutritive dry additions and lime.

The only thing I will need to do when it's ready is add more porosity or drainage. The fermented food scraps are breaking down very fast and almost un recognizable. It's turning black and going into a crumbly state. This mix will be ready to sift in about 3 weeks. Then add the drainage and into pots to colonize before transplanting.

I'm getting excited for this run as its my first indoor bokashi run ever. I've never used it in a soiless let alone indoors. I've always buried it outside, so this should be pretty interesting.
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Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
I also figured I'd whip up some microbial tea in the vortex. For this 5gal batch I'm starting with filtered tap instead of the RODI. My tap after the 3 filters reads 140ppm. Not to hard but this brew is going to inoculate and condition some filled pots I have aging so I opted for the bicarbonate over the nitrates in calmag.
Very simple batch
Fresh EWC 1-1-1
Age old organics kelp .30-.25-.15
Earth Juice CATYLIST .03-.01-.10
75ml (1tbsp/gallon) Blackstrap molasses
Microbe life photosynthesis plus
Aqua Shield compost solution
Ancient forest Alaskan humus
A pinch of my home made compost.
Starting ppm is 140 out the tap
Starting pH 7.5 and after all ingredients are added the reading is 440ppm/ 5.9pH
**200 of that is from the molasses**

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
20151108_201825.jpg With all my show and tell on soil, fermenting, microbes and soil, I think its appropriate to show some plants too. So here's the line up: (all regular photo)
(2) Alien kush x Hindu kush
(2) Ice kush x Licorice kush
(1) Grape Ape x OG kush
(Grape lemonade pheno)
(2) Purple Gooberry
(1) LSD

So let's see what these can do in the new "no till bokashi super soil". Let's treat this like a journal but comments, questions and participation are encouraged.

Soaked on 11/3
Sowd on 11/4
Broke ground on 11/6
All 8 beans. 100% germ success!

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
AACT progress is good. Started yesterday at 11:15am, so it's not even 24 hrs in yet but looks really good. It's already dropped 80 ppm.1447069430553.jpg1447069507451.jpg

The soil that's cooking is comming along nicely. It's gonna look way better in the near future but it's already starting to colonize so that a promising sign.1447069630713.jpg1447069683383.jpg

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
Just imagine what's going on inside, if this is what's happening on top... the microbes really love the hemp mulch alot it seems. Here's the 20gallon tub of stored bokashi compost, covered with 3" of peat/coco. Looks pretty wild-1447155409290.jpg

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
The kids are growing nicely and under a 400W MH @ 7000K. They should be ready for transplant in 1-2 weeks. But for now while they're in the solos I'm going to focus on the root system, so they'll be getting very small doses of NPK (1-1-1) 1/2 STRENGTH. 1447155859592.jpg

The tomatoes seem to really be doing well. Nice thick stalks and very healthy. I haven't been feeding anyone really. At least not anything worth noting.
Here is the female auto I've been working on. She is from a previous thread that's ended, but I did decide to keep her after all, despite the thread stating I was going to cull her like I did her brothers. I believe she is going into flower now and still very very stocky. I haven't seen that "explosive growth" that everyone says happens. Huh, well..... time will tell I suppose.
She had a high ppm and was showing yellow and brown tips so I flushed her. Brought the ppm down to 780 and that's where she has stayed since. She's a tad over 1 month now, HOW DOES SHE LOOK?1447156409470.jpg1447156456669.jpg She's got roughly 10 internode already and doesn't seem to want to stretch up. I threw 1 90w G8 led booster above her to give some reds. Hopefully this will stretch her out a little. All those branches inside won't get any light otherwise.

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
I'm a little unsure on how to proceed with this auto. Should I feed her bloom ferts, top dress with some bokashi compost and water that in, or just leave her be.
She's not showing any deficiencies as of right now but I want to give her flower power.
Also not 100% sure that she is going into flower. It kinda looks like it but the growth terminals are not clustered with pistols, like my photos do.
She has started asymmetrical branching witch they do before they flower but like with my photos, they do that too when they're sexually mature and can be flowered. So does this auto need to be induced to flower?
Comments would be appreciated-

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
Ppm could have risen since the flush because she has been drinking and not so much growing. I'm still seeing yellow tips on new(er) growth. I'm just worried that the ppm may be slowing or delaying flower development.
Or, she's not flowering because there's no nutrient to promote it.
I'm stumped, autos are SOOO totally different from photos and I really don't have much experience with them.

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
I am a lazy farmer lately, but everytime i think i need to add something to a plant that seems happy i somehow fuck something up, that's the only reason i said what i said. I'd be itching to see her flowering too though, being that stocky you'd hope to see pistils being thrown.....soon i bet!

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
She seems very healthy atm. I've been tucking all the fans daily to expose side branches to more light. She wants no part of it and every morning she lifts her fans back to cover up the undergrowth.
Lol what a bitch


Well-Known Member
Lights on at 3pm, and i actually am proud of myself because i thought the same thing! I have a grow thread started but i tend to attach more videos of zappa than plants lmao! I have some heirlooms cherry tomatoes i wanna start soon too.

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
Lights on at 3pm, and i actually am proud of myself because i thought the same thing! I have a grow thread started but i tend to attach more videos of zappa than plants lmao! I have some heirlooms cherry tomatoes i wanna start soon too.
Ok good because I'll be back home around 6pm from work.


Well-Known Member
i know you didn't ask me; just thought i'd throw my .02c in as well... from how I understand it, Ca is not very mobile in plants, so you will see Ca def. in the newest growth, which is concurrent with what you are experiencing! Also i see the brown rust spots too, which is another hint towards Ca.

Mg would be in the lower growth first, not upper.... as it's a more mobile element in the plant. if there's no Mg available, it will pull from lower leaves (breaks down chlorophyll to get the Mg), and send via phloem to areas needed; just like N def. pulls from lower and does the same as Mg.