Anyone else have any ideas on these mites?
Also I'd like to post my first true start to no til. I've been recycling and reamending for so long. Well this is the start to a properly built soil that should last for years to come with just some top dressing, botanicals and occasional tea
I introduce first in a 15g geopot, my bruce banner #3
The second is a girl scout cookie in a 10 gal geo that I have yet to get to grow properly. I have honestly had a couple plants just die and don't really know why, that's another topic for another time/thread. In fact I have a thread for the gsc issue if you search and or care. I she is, she's a bit rough I know but should start doing well soon.
Also I'd like to mention I didn't cook my soil at all first. A high moment that we all have sometimes lol hoping for the best here. ( normally people let it sit for a monthish til they use it, oops!)
They are in coots mix with the addition of some mushroom compost I found @ hammond farms!
Will post more updates
* 3rd and 4th pic of bb3
notice the barley straw growing on top as a living mulch it.
**Also don't mind my ghetto saucer I made out of a piece of tarp and 2x4...didn't have a saucer large enough for it at the time!