Get some predator mites. I have always found the best way to get rid of bugs is other bugs. This will work the majority of the time although I have found some instances where this only drops the population down but in those cases its still a lot easier to kill them once the population has decreased a ton then dealing with them when the infestation is full blown. But remember your neem, poison, etc. will kill the good bugs along with the bad so don't use it in conjunction with stuff like that.
Why do all the work when you can get a bug to do it for you?
hyroot - Alaska humus or ancient forest or any of those deals are actually just peat moss....repackaged, relabeled, and sold at a huge markup. it is not the scrapings from some secret GH forest patch....its peat. definitely not going to have any insect suppression qualities IMO. fresh homemade vermicompost on the other betcha. my 2cents: never buy a bag of ancient forest again...especially if you are looking for "compost" or something to brew a tea with...if you are looking for concentrated microbial activity you want to go elsewhere...although the ancient forest will have some microbial activity (as much as a bale of premier peat...). homemade vermicompost FTW