Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Doesn't sound like bullshit to me...but if you doubt it, he posts all of his sources at the bottom of the article.

no where does he mention go brand which on the bag says there is peat. he just says magic humus from washington in 2007. who knows what it really is or where he got it specifically. could be from some farm or topsoil place. when i used it in a tea. that was the only compost that left a white mychorizzae film on top of the soil.

the whole site is so he can sell his microscopes and brewers. and his bibliography is his books he read for his self education. not sources to do with his tests. in the video he says he doesn't know the proper terms.....

cann Im not trying to cross you its just i know for a fact he's full of shit. your plants look beautiful though..
hyroot, why do you say he is full of shit or where did you hear this? I mean maybe he is trying to sell is microbes and brewers but everybody is trying to sell something, as long as the information on his website is correct.
This is from CT Guy on the product:
Anyway, I just want to say that the Alaska Humus is an okay product. Not great, I think any good EWC source would be superior and it's definitely not true humus. It's got peat remains in it, which I've verified with MM microscopically. There are multiple sources and I've primarily dealt with Alaska Organics because they are a lot cheaper than Jeff's company that's getting the Ancient Forest for GH. I will say that quality has varied over the years, but I can get 2,200 lbs for $400 FOB Seattle. I say make your own or if you can't then there are better options than bagged composts.
no where does he mention go brand which on the bag says there is peat. he just says magic humus from washington in 2007. who knows what it really is or where he got it specifically. could be from some farm or topsoil place. when i used it in a tea. that was the only compost that left a white mychorizzae film on top of the soil.

the whole site is so he can sell his microscopes and brewers. and his bibliography is his books he read for his self education. not sources to do with his tests. in the video he says he doesn't know the proper terms.....

cann Im not trying to cross you its just i know for a fact he's full of shit. your plants look beautiful though..

the part I bolded shows how your understanding of the soil food web is still a bit shakey. Mycorrhizae do not make a white film on the top of the surface...they are hardly (if at all) visible to the naked eye, and they are attached to living unless you have living roots above the surface of your topsoil, you can't be seeing mycorrhizae...

i believe on the website it says "alaska magic" brand...AFAIK it is from the same plant that makes GO Ancient Forest and all the other "alaskan forest humus" products. not just topsoil from a farm store.

agreed that his site is there in part to sell brewers..but the man has to make a living and there are plenty of folks who are super into compost teas (sincerely420 anyone??) who would gladly pay him for a vortex brewer or something equally ridiculous...

i enjoy the website ( for the information, but I am also not convinced that ACTs need to be applied more than once or twice per year (season..whatever you want to call it depending on if its indoors or out)....or if they need to be applied at all honestly. I agree that they are a faster way of going about things..but that doesn't necessarily equate to a better way. I highly respect MM but at the same time I will most likely never buy anything from him and would probably recommend the same to all my friends. that being said...the man knows his shit (even if he doesn't say the proper "terms" on his youtube videos..) and I think you should re-read his website and also read some more things about Elaine Ingham before you hate anymore. who cares if the man has a degree or not...i could give a shit. some of the smartest most successful (however you want to define that...not "financially" sucessful) people I know didn't even graduate high school. MM also has an account here btw so he could come on over and give you a lesson lol I might send him a quick message....

what do you mean by "full of shit"? are we talking bad science full of shit, or just the fact that he's trying to sell something you don't need.

tried to end this last night....
I believe that ACTs are great to apply as often as possible as foliar spray on veggie garden (I say veggie garden because I dont foliar spray my cannabis plants as I grow 12/12 from seed and there is always buds in the room)

I agree that they are not necessary in a healthy soil but I like to use them as foliar spray outside to help the plants create a protective shield against the bugs, sort of speak. I also think it's the best way to fertilize the garden besides amending, not necessarily to replenish the population of microbes but to provide them with ''available'' nutrients.

I am home full time for the summer and I plan on having some compost tea brewing at least once or twice a week, for indoor and outdoor use. A little goes a long way too, I apply small quantities often. Any thoughts?
I believe that ACTs are great to apply as often as possible as foliar spray on veggie garden (I say veggie garden because I dont foliar spray my cannabis plants as I grow 12/12 from seed and there is always buds in the room)

I agree that they are not necessary in a healthy soil but I like to use them as foliar spray outside to help the plants create a protective shield against the bugs, sort of speak. I also think it's the best way to fertilize the garden besides amending, not necessarily to replenish the population of microbes but to provide them with ''available'' nutrients.

I am home full time for the summer and I plan on having some compost tea brewing at least once or twice a week, for indoor and outdoor use. A little goes a long way too, I apply small quantities often. Any thoughts?

ACT's are a means of delivering (hopefully) aerobic, beneficial bacteria to your soil. The "nutrients" made available to your plant by using an ACT are nominal. A FPE would be better suited to supply the nutrients and minerals you are after imo.
do you know/notice any "quality" differences between DMT and SST? I don't mind the sprouting process especially if I know I am dealing with a superior solution. I suppose it's not easy to tell without proper tests.
But if coot says he observed same outcomings from the DiastaticMaltTea .. Maybe I should just go for it!
Edit: or headtreep or anyone have used both
I used to be a big fan of using ACT every chance I could get but I have learned it's not needed after having used blumats for several cycles. Only 1 ACT at the begging of the flower cycle and other than that it's been getting nothing but SST, aloe, humics/fulvics, coconut water, and most important that top dress of vermicompost.

ACT is cool tool for new soils and I love it for seedlings personally but not necessary to produce results.

Vic's High Killer Queen x Space Queen


I used to be a big fan of using ACT every chance I could get but I have learned it's not needed after having used blumats for several cycles. Only 1 ACT at the begging of the flower cycle and other than that it's been getting nothing but SST, aloe, humics/fulvics, coconut water, and most important that top dress of vermicompost.

ACT is cool tool for new soils and I love it for seedlings personally but not necessary to produce results.

Vic's High Killer Queen x Space Queen



I agree. I have actually been wetting down my soil mixture with an ACT right after amending and then let it sit the 6-8 weeks before putting clones in it. I then only apply one to two more ACT's during veg and early flower.

Nice looking plants BTW!
BTW the new SST 3.0 Diastatic malt aka Malted Barley Flour seems to be working just fine. This will be week 3 and its hard to say but I think it's doing more that my bubbled sprouts.
BTW the new SST 3.0 Diastatic malt aka Malted Barley Flour seems to be working just fine. This will be week 3 and its hard to say but I think it's doing more that my bubbled sprouts.

That's good to know headtreep. I've been reading a ton of stuff from the ROLS guys about the enzymes from the sprouted barley and stumbled upon the malted barley flower thingy the other day. That looks like it really simplifies the process. Is it as simple as just adding x amount of malted barley flour to x amount of water and then applying as a soil drench?

Can you elaborate a little on what you're doing?

My current program.

Soil Mix

- 1c.f Premier Peat
- 1c.f. Pumice
- 1c.f Compost
- ½ cup Crab Meal
- ½ cup Kelp Meal
- ½ cup Neem cake
- 4 cups Basalt

**2 inch top dress of Vermicompost

Foliar 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
Week 1
- 1/4 tsp Aloe 200X
- 15 ml. Ful-Power
- 1 tsp. Protekt

Week 2
IPMs like neem, peppermint etc

**Alternate weeks**

Soil Drenches 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
1/4 tsp Aloe 200x
1/4 coconut powder
1 tsp malted barley powder
1 tsp. Protekt
30 ml Ful-Power