Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Kandy Kush F2...:leaf:
Grown outdoor using ROLS methods...thanks guys
Do I ordered some food grade diatomecous earth tonight.. after got off work went out to veggie garden I have currently in pots till finish garden area, stomped on all earwigs I could find flicking them of plants and shaking them of squishing them... I came to my little marigold which was tipped over I picked it up shook it off and well over 50 !!! Earwigs fell off just that tiny marigold I have.. that's usually what I kill if not less everynight between all my plants and patio area! Hope the de gets Here soon cause these earwigs are driving me nuts! And eating the shit out of my eggplant, hop leaves and zucchini! Found couple suckers trying to get in the end of one my zuccinis as well that are growing. Starting to think we have a earwig issue around here and they gotta go!
headtreep212 said:
I use tropf blumats. Blumats are great for soil.


So how are you liking the blumats? And how do the tropf compare to other ones that are out there? Sounds good for giving the plants water when they need them. Would be good in a small outdoor veggie garden as well with rainbarrel res.

Maybe demo them if you could ?
I would never garden again without Tropf Blumats which are the original accept no knockoffs. Here is an example of an indoor.

Update on the SST 3.0

AOC is recommending 1 to 2 TBL (tablespoons) 15-30ml of diastatic malt per gallon. 1 TBL is "uber-safe" but 2 TBL achieved "better results". HTH

Seems we can go a little heavier on the diastatic malt aka Malted Barley Flour. Thanks Kalyx!
Do you mean that the driplines know when to water or you have to turn them on and off obviously right?

They have sensors in them and require no power or electric :) They have been around awhile, in fact I was looking at them a few years ago when I was on a bottled nute coco program. They will cut your work in half.

edit: Also they keep the medium nice and moist with even saturation.
those would make my life a lot easier. how many per 4x8 headtreep?

Instructions say 1 blumat per 5 gal of soil. I use 2 of them in my 10 gal but now I'm thinking 3 after discussing it with CC. He uses 3 in a 5gal haha. The maxis are longer for larger pots or beds. Two seems to barely work for #10 after upgrading from #7.
So it's not electronically pumped from the 5gal bucket is it? You've maybe just got the bucket elevated higher than the pot and it's gravity fed with the bluemat regulating the flow?
So it's not electronically pumped from the 5gal bucket is it? You've maybe just got the bucket elevated higher than the pot and it's gravity fed with the bluemat regulating the flow?

Correct two buckets. One is used as a stand. Stupid easy!
I have thought about getting them but for my flower room I would probably need 72 - 4 for each 15 gal and thats just flower... I just imagine it would be a mess of tubes on my floors.
BTW the new SST 3.0 Diastatic malt aka Malted Barley Flour seems to be working just fine. This will be week 3 and its hard to say but I think it's doing more that my bubbled sprouts.

Where did you pick that up at headtreep? I have checked every store around me that could possibly carry it, and I even went on the Bob's Red Mill website and it is out of stock there too.

You ROLS guys have created a nationwide shortage of it! ;-)
My current program.

Soil Mix

- 1c.f Premier Peat
- 1c.f. Pumice
- 1c.f Compost
- ½ cup Crab Meal
- ½ cup Kelp Meal
- ½ cup Neem cake
- 4 cups Basalt

**2 inch top dress of Vermicompost

Foliar 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
Week 1
- 1/4 tsp Aloe 200X
- 15 ml. Ful-Power
- 1 tsp. Protekt

Week 2
IPMs like neem, peppermint etc

**Alternate weeks**

Soil Drenches 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
1/4 tsp Aloe 200x
1/4 coconut powder
1 tsp malted barley powder
1 tsp. Protekt
30 ml Ful-Power

Thank you so much for posting this....
Do you do anything to treat your water (R.O., carbon filter, balance pH, etc) or just use it straight from the tap? My water has high mineral and salt content and I'm concerned about toxic accumulations especially with using bluemats and no flushing. Have you had any problems?
Thank you so much for posting this....
Do you do anything to treat your water (R.O., carbon filter, balance pH, etc) or just use it straight from the tap? My water has high mineral and salt content and I'm concerned about toxic accumulations especially with using bluemats and no flushing. Have you had any problems?

You should invest in an RO system, or at least some type of dechloranization unit.

Check with your city and see if you can get a water analysis. Chlorine can be bubbled out of your water in a fairly short period of time, but most cities are now using chloramine which does not dissipate as quickly and will most likely require some type of filtration like an RO unit. If you use plain tap water, you are essentially killing all of the little critters in the soil that are feeding the plant.