Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

You should invest in an RO system, or at least some type of dechloranization unit.

Check with your city and see if you can get a water analysis. Chlorine can be bubbled out of your water in a fairly short period of time, but most cities are now using chloramine which does not dissipate as quickly and will most likely require some type of filtration like an RO unit. If you use plain tap water, you are essentially killing all of the little critters in the soil that are feeding the plant.

Most definitely want to keep the microbes happy.

I live in a desert and hate the idea of wasting so much water with an RO system. I've also heard that RO can be too pure, lacking in cal-mag which can be a problem. Would a good carbon filter be sufficient?

I've had good results using plain tap water with (gasp) Miracle Grow and I re-use my potting soil. I'm pretty excited about trying ROLS methods.
Most definitely want to keep the microbes happy.

I live in a desert and hate the idea of wasting so much water with an RO system. I've also heard that RO can be too pure, lacking in cal-mag which can be a problem. Would a good carbon filter be sufficient?

I've had good results using plain tap water with (gasp) Miracle Grow and I re-use my potting soil. I'm pretty excited about trying ROLS methods.

You can use humic acid or absorbic acid (Vitamin C) to neutralize clorine or chloramine in your water. You probably need only a tsp. per 5 gal to do it unless it is really strong.
You can use humic acid or absorbic acid (Vitamin C) to neutralize clorine or chloramine in your water. You probably need only a tsp. per 5 gal to do it unless it is really strong.

Thanks for the advice. Do you know of a good source to order humic acid from? I happen to have a lot of citric acid on hand. Would that work?
Most definitely want to keep the microbes happy.

I live in a desert and hate the idea of wasting so much water with an RO system. I've also heard that RO can be too pure, lacking in cal-mag which can be a problem. Would a good carbon filter be sufficient?

I've had good results using plain tap water with (gasp) Miracle Grow and I re-use my potting soil. I'm pretty excited about trying ROLS methods.

Another option is to buy a single filter counter top RO system that will at least give you a decent level of filtration. They can be purchased for around $100, and they will remove 93% of all chlorine/chloramine as opposed to the larger under the sink systems that you're referring to (wasting water) that remove 98% of chlorine/chloramine.

I purchased one for the same reason that you mentioned. I hated the thought of wasting 2-3 gallons of water for every gallon of purified water. The one I have doesn't waste a drop, and it only takes about 5 minutes to fill a 5 gallon bucket. I love it, and more importantly the plants seem to love it!

As to your concern over cal-mag, I will say this. If you're working with a properly amended soil with a good compost source, you shouldn't have deficiencies of any kind.
Another option is to buy a single filter counter top RO system that will at least give you a decent level of filtration. They can be purchased for around $100, and they will remove 93% of all chlorine/chloramine as opposed to the larger under the sink systems that you're referring to (wasting water) that remove 98% of chlorine/chloramine.

I purchased one for the same reason that you mentioned. I hated the thought of wasting 2-3 gallons of water for every gallon of purified water. The one I have doesn't waste a drop, and it only takes about 5 minutes to fill a 5 gallon bucket. I love it, and more importantly the plants seem to love it!

As to your concern over cal-mag, I will say this. If you're working with a properly amended soil with a good compost source, you shouldn't have deficiencies of any kind.
I'll look into this. Thanks!!

Living soil with a new clover mulch.
i use a big boy water filter. two stage sediment and carbon for 5 gallons a minute. ive been thinking of adding an additional carbon stage though.
r.o is fancier, the big boy is for volume. i ditched the r.o a few years back. not necesary and not practical for my applications
r.o is fancier, the big boy is for volume. i ditched the r.o a few years back. not necesary and not practical for my applications

Yeah I hear ya. I haven't had the need to switch my Hydro-Logic Stealth Ro 100 but I will when I expand to something more basic.
I want one of those big systems so my whole house is RO (except the toilets hehe)!

My current RO system has one cellulose filter two carbons then the membrane and another carbon, a UV light and then the tank.

do you foliar and soil drench the barley, aloe and coconut with ful power once per week?

2tbsp barley
1tbsp ful power
2tbsp aloe (200x equivalent)
1tbsp freeze dried coconut per 5 gallon

sound right?

do you foliar and soil drench the barley, aloe and coconut with ful power once per week?

2tbsp barley
1tbsp ful power
2tbsp aloe (200x equivalent)
1tbsp freeze dried coconut per 5 gallon

sound right?

Here is how I've been doing with the advice of CC.

Soil Drenches 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
1/4 tsp Aloe 200x
1/4 tsp coconut powder
2 tbsp malted barley powder
1 tsp. Protekt
30 ml Ful-Power

Foliars 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
Week 1
- 1/4 tsp Aloe 200X
- 15 ml. Ful-Power
- 1 tsp. Protekt

Week 2
IPMs like neem, peppermint etc

**Alternate weeks**

Note on the aloe from CC: ToTo equal 2 oz. per gallon when making 5 gallons of 'tea' you would add 1.5 grams which is 2 teaspoons (.75 gram each)
****If you use fulpower with IPMs you may need to lower the dosage. I've done a little leaf burning myself. It's hard to accurate advice on the net cause some plants seem to be more sensitive than others. I start lower or in the middle and even dilute if I feel it's needed.
neem separated from mint on the ipm?

I usually pick one. I feel that we want to alternate so any pests won't become resistant. Garlic may be a cheaper alternative for you since you have a very large farm. I'd check with CC on that.

Garlic is what the organic farms use out here for IPMs in the desert for crops. Garlic and water haha.
thanks bro that will help me out a lot.

Very welcome man. Feel free to cross reference with the crew but this has been working solid for me. I also will use that TM-7 twice a month instead of fulpower for drench so keep that in mind. I like all the trace stuff going on.