You should invest in an RO system, or at least some type of dechloranization unit.
Check with your city and see if you can get a water analysis. Chlorine can be bubbled out of your water in a fairly short period of time, but most cities are now using chloramine which does not dissipate as quickly and will most likely require some type of filtration like an RO unit. If you use plain tap water, you are essentially killing all of the little critters in the soil that are feeding the plant.
Most definitely want to keep the microbes happy.
I live in a desert and hate the idea of wasting so much water with an RO system. I've also heard that RO can be too pure, lacking in cal-mag which can be a problem. Would a good carbon filter be sufficient?
I've had good results using plain tap water with (gasp) Miracle Grow and I re-use my potting soil. I'm pretty excited about trying ROLS methods.