Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Hey guys hope everyone is enjoying their summer :) anyways I had a few questions. I have an Ecocomposter that was given to me for a test run of compost. I was wondering if my starting pile is good enough for the summer. I am planning on making pure vegan compost. Anyways here are my ingredients. FYI the ecocomposter is 45 gallons.

15 gallons food waste
15 gallons coco coir or peat (moisture buffer for my dry desert climate)
15 gallons yard waste/cannabis leaves, herbs (1lb nettle, 1lb alfalfa, 1lb chamomile,1lb comfrey, 1lb dandelion, 1lb clover, 1lb yarrow, 1lb borage)

rock dusts like greensand, limestone, gypsum, glacial rock dust, rock phosphate, bentonite clay, kelp meal (a cup or 2 of each)

I had a little help preparing this from Rising Moon so much thanks on your behalf. :) I will post pictures as soon as I get everything set, it's hard to do work in 110+ degrees :/

I had a question for everyone though, how much rock dusts should I be adding if I can constantly turn my pile? Thanks for any advice and keep it organic!
Cann yes and yours just having to adapt techniques for the time. I didn't want my plants to suffer because my area has terrible water. Back to rain water now
Hey guys hope everyone is enjoying their summer :) anyways I had a few questions. I have an Ecocomposter that was given to me for a test run of compost. I was wondering if my starting pile is good enough for the summer. I am planning on making pure vegan compost. Anyways here are my ingredients. FYI the ecocomposter is 45 gallons.

15 gallons food waste
15 gallons coco coir or peat (moisture buffer for my dry desert climate)
15 gallons yard waste/cannabis leaves, herbs (1lb nettle, 1lb alfalfa, 1lb chamomile,1lb comfrey, 1lb dandelion, 1lb clover, 1lb yarrow, 1lb borage)

rock dusts like greensand, limestone, gypsum, glacial rock dust, rock phosphate, bentonite clay, kelp meal (a cup or 2 of each)

I had a little help preparing this from Rising Moon so much thanks on your behalf. :) I will post pictures as soon as I get everything set, it's hard to do work in 110+ degrees :/

I had a question for everyone though, how much rock dusts should I be adding if I can constantly turn my pile? Thanks for any advice and keep it organic!

Hey bird that's awesome! Those Ecocomposter's should retain the moisture needed for a solid compost in that heat but keep an eye on it. You don't want it drying out. That plant matter (green yard waste) will activate or heat up the pile. All those powdered amendments, I would just use even amounts personally at around 1 cup of each or so for that amount (45 gal). I use a half cup for my soil per cf.

Worms go crazy over compost so don't forget that. It makes excellent convenient worm food. I'm looking into some heat friendly composting myself for the garage.

PS I plan to plant a bunch of comfrey and aloe after summer.
If you ever want to set up the perfect worm bin, use a big ass fabric pot like a 45 gal smart pot and you will have you own little farm. Beats those dumb worm towers I have.
Hey guys hope everyone is enjoying their summer :) anyways I had a few questions. I have an Ecocomposter that was given to me for a test run of compost. I was wondering if my starting pile is good enough for the summer. I am planning on making pure vegan compost. Anyways here are my ingredients. FYI the ecocomposter is 45 gallons.

15 gallons food waste
15 gallons coco coir or peat (moisture buffer for my dry desert climate)
15 gallons yard waste/cannabis leaves, herbs (1lb nettle, 1lb alfalfa, 1lb chamomile,1lb comfrey, 1lb dandelion, 1lb clover, 1lb yarrow, 1lb borage)

rock dusts like greensand, limestone, gypsum, glacial rock dust, rock phosphate, bentonite clay, kelp meal (a cup or 2 of each)

I had a little help preparing this from Rising Moon so much thanks on your behalf. :) I will post pictures as soon as I get everything set, it's hard to do work in 110+ degrees :/

I had a question for everyone though, how much rock dusts should I be adding if I can constantly turn my pile? Thanks for any advice and keep it organic!

I started one earlier this spring. From the research I've done, you want to have at least equal portions of brown matter (sticks, leaves, sawdust, cardboard, etc) to the green matter that you add. Not sure what your breakdown is, but might be something to consider.

Best of luck!
Thannk you everyone for the advice. I had a few good pointers from a fellow ROLS poster ;) I just wasn't 100% sure on how much rock dust should be efficient enough for this type of compost bin. I am excited to see how it will work and really appreciate all the advice. I need to check out your worm bin one day over some meds :weed:

I am also going to add some worms once the bin cools down some. Don't want to fry those little guys :shock: As far as some aloe and comfrey, I will be planting plenty of herbs and others goodies this fall to get my compost even better. If anyone needs some fresh foliage for their compost I will have plenty ;) take care all and thanks again I will keep you all updated.

If you ever want to set up the perfect worm bin, use a big ass fabric pot like a 45 gal smart pot and you will have you own little farm. Beats those dumb worm towers I have.

How do you collect worm casting since you can't like the towers or do u just let it sit for long time and turn to vermicompost and move the worms over to another one when it's rich enough with castings ?

have you tried making the kelp paste and adding it to your drenches? and what about any other botanical teas? are you using nettles or comfrey etc?

have you tried making the kelp paste and adding it to your drenches? and what about any other botanical teas? are you using nettles or comfrey etc?

Haven't made a kelp paste but I've bubbled most herbs mentioned including horsetail, dandelion, etc It's not practical unless you grow or find your own so until I do so I'm sticking with what I get at the feed store. Alfalfa, kelp, molasses (ACT). Then of course my ful-power, coconut, and aloe deal. Those herbs a great and have served my plants well so if you can get them GO for it! Packed fulled of nutes and hormones look them up.
humic acid every watering? how about sprinkling it on top every now and then? (I have powdered humic acid)

On a different topic, lets talk bacteria/fungi for a few posts shall we?

I have read that cannabis plants do better in a bacteria dominated medium, however, recently I have also read that while in flowering, cannabis prefers a fungi dominated medium, is this true?

If so, it would be better to shred the mulch while plants are vegging to encourage bacteria and we should not shred the mulch while in budding to encourage fungi activity... that if the above statement was true, otherwise, I guess it would be best to always shred the mulch to encourage bacteria?

So what's up! THANKS
Been going every other week with 1/4 cup kelp and 1/2 cup alfalfa with 1 tsp of TM-7 bubble 5 gal bucket for 24 hours.
green santa:

mix up your fulvic separate from normal irrigation an just dump a couple cups on each plant. 1/4 tsp of ful humix is what i use. toss in potassium silicate and aloe. every other week add kelp like headtreep mentioned.


ful humix is applied once per week and ful power once per week foliar
I haven't noticed any carb sources in these recipes. Is the coconut water the carb source?

Coconut water does have sugars in that regard with mag and hormones etc Look it up it's very interesting when you read the scholar info. Only time I use sugar is in an ACT in my OLS/No Till.