Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread


have you actually seen kelp @ the feed stores?

Special order #50 kelp meal for 81.00 plus tax. Ace might even be able to order it. You can get alfalfa at some Ace hardware and molasses as well. I guess it depends on the demand in your area. You should have a lot more access to stuff than myself.
humic acid every watering? how about sprinkling it on top every now and then? (I have powdered humic acid)

On a different topic, lets talk bacteria/fungi for a few posts shall we?

I have read that cannabis plants do better in a bacteria dominated medium, however, recently I have also read that while in flowering, cannabis prefers a fungi dominated medium, is this true?

If so, it would be better to shred the mulch while plants are vegging to encourage bacteria and we should not shred the mulch while in budding to encourage fungi activity... that if the above statement was true, otherwise, I guess it would be best to always shred the mulch to encourage bacteria?

So what's up! THANKS
nobody can answer any of the mulching questions!?
nobody can answer any of the mulching questions!?

I use humic acids in a solution for better penetration imo. You could mix in direct or top feed however it seems most people in general prefer a drench or foliar. Just be careful with TM7 especially.

The whole bacteria fungi thing I don't pay attention to. I let nature take it's course and stick with my regiment. You need both and with cannabis being an annual I would suspect it wanting a more bacteria dom soil but again I don't do anything special to determine this.
ok thx... basically i just finished teaming with microbes and since u guys are mulching i thought i would help u remember what the book says ...

anyway, I will be shredding my mulch until I can find accurate information whether a flowering plant likes bac. or fun. better.
I stopped doing the mulching. I think it produced too much nitrogen. I had a shitty yield. Quality is great. I think by that I had too much n and not enough p. Too much n can make flowering time lagg and make yield suffer. Nutrient wise that was the only thing I did different. My nl x og is still going. Those ones I was able to.correct everything.
Going back to the top dressing subject. I learned from Coots that you should cover you top dressings with castings or compost to activate the microbes to process the material. Makes a lot of sense now. Keep that top layer of soil always moist as well otherwise the life goes dormant basically.
Here is how I've been doing with the advice of CC.

Soil Drenches 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
1/4 tsp Aloe 200x
1/4 tsp coconut powder
2 tbsp malted barley powder
1 tsp. Protekt
30 ml Ful-Power

Foliars 1x per week

Per gal of h2O
Week 1
- 1/4 tsp Aloe 200X
- 15 ml. Ful-Power
- 1 tsp. Protekt

Week 2
IPMs like neem, peppermint etc

**Alternate weeks**

Note on the aloe from CC: ToTo equal 2 oz. per gallon when making 5 gallons of 'tea' you would add 1.5 grams which is 2 teaspoons (.75 gram each)

so you are not drenching with humic acid at all? been using ful humix for that. i never use the ful power in my drenches because of cost. maybe i should. i think im kind of confused on this one. do u have that post from cc where he says exactly what two teas he uses. i have been diggin for hours and i cant find it.
u guys ever get syrup dripping off ur buds? does it mean high brix? it happened on my outdoor plant last year and again on a super frosty plant just buddy was looking at buds and he was like wtf did u spill sugar on here!!? lol I swear it was from the plant!!
u guys ever get syrup dripping off ur buds? does it mean high brix? it happened on my outdoor plant last year and again on a super frosty plant just buddy was looking at buds and he was like wtf did u spill sugar on here!!? lol I swear it was from the plant!!

On the bud? Never seen that before.

You will get some "sap" that will form when a leaf comes off.
u guys ever get syrup dripping off ur buds? does it mean high brix? it happened on my outdoor plant last year and again on a super frosty plant just buddy was looking at buds and he was like wtf did u spill sugar on here!!? lol I swear it was from the plant!!

The higher your brix the thicker your "sap" water from your plants will be since brix just measures the amount of dissolved solids in the plant and most of that is minerals and sugar.
I see a lot of you guys still spend quite a bit of money ... for me part of going ROLS is also to try to source everything locally and for free lol. Is there any of you out there that are basically not spending a penny on their grow?

I want to use forest stuff to make another compost pile in my yard but I am not sure where to start... I guess anything can be used, maybe I should start by asking what not to use!?

I dont know a lot about compost I hear you are supposed to mix in brown and green matter ,... it will be easy to find a lot of green matter in the bush, but what can I use for brown? and I dont understand how a compost pile of 100% green matter would be wrong? too rich in nitrogen?
Im not doing the tm and all the bottle stuff. Just bought some malted barley flour. 4 20 oz. Bags for $9.95 on amazon. Picked up some more shrimp meal and neem for $10 each and that should last me a few months. I pay $5 for compost once a month. The only pricey thing I bought was ewc $28 for 1 cu ft. I have 1/4 of a 15 gal tub is vermicompost. At this rate probably another 2 months til its all vermicompost.

Im making my own aloe powder now. My brother let me use his dehydrator.

Im just top dressing now. Ima have to make a new soil mix in about 5 weeks.
I see a lot of you guys still spend quite a bit of money ... for me part of going ROLS is also to try to source everything locally and for free lol. Is there any of you out there that are basically not spending a penny on their grow?

I want to use forest stuff to make another compost pile in my yard but I am not sure where to start... I guess anything can be used, maybe I should start by asking what not to use!?

I dont know a lot about compost I hear you are supposed to mix in brown and green matter ,... it will be easy to find a lot of green matter in the bush, but what can I use for brown? and I dont understand how a compost pile of 100% green matter would be wrong? too rich in nitrogen?

Sort of. The organisms that break down the organic matter in a compost pile rely on carbon sources (brown matter) for energy. Adding an appropriate percentage of brown matter helps accelerate the thermophilic composting process.

You can use leaves, small twigs/branches, sawdust from non treated wood, cardboard, etc. The more you break up/shred the inputs, the quicker it will be available as a food source to your beneficial critters in the pile.