Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Talked to my local organics guy and he said the mold turning greyish color could be age, or temp, or dehydration. That guy and his wife talk too damn much. They mean well but they aren't the best at giving linear information. A lot of jumping around and not finishing thoughts.
Here's a recipe he gave me for growing fungus.

1/2 lb of compost (not ewc)
3/4 teaspoon fish hydrosylate
3/4 teaspoon soluplex
and enough water to squeeze a drop of liquid out of the mix after mixing your baby food oatmeal. He didn't give me a certain amount of oatmeal to add but I just dust generously.

Whats the consensus on soluplex? I guess its on the list to be labeled organic just waiting on the stamp. He started going on about how adding the soluplex increases all the bene's we love so much.

He also will uncover his mix at night to collect all the spores in the air then cover to keep it dark during the day.
That regrowing lettuce thing totally works.. 2 days sitting in water(the crown part) 2 inches of new leaf growth and no roots .. I'll post a pic. Sometime when I turn on my PC. on the windows phone that can't upload pics...
That regrowing lettuce thing totally works.. 2 days sitting in water(the crown part) 2 inches of new leaf growth and no roots .. I'll post a pic. Sometime when I turn on my PC. on the windows phone that can't upload pics...

I've had aquaponic lettuce that was huge, but didn't taste right. I wonder if yours will be the same.
I've had aquaponic lettuce that was huge, but didn't taste right. I wonder if yours will be the same.

maybe add kelp and molasses to the water just before its done.. Raise the brix levels... It might grow roots or it might not. If it does I'll throw it in soil. That link I posted was kind of vague. So trial and error..
I got the Chapin 3-1/2 gal 1949. It works great, best sprayer I have ever used and I doubt I will ever need another. Rrog put up a link when it was on sale and I snatched it up for $60.00
I got the Chapin 3-1/2 gal 1949. It works great, best sprayer I have ever used and I doubt I will ever need another. Rrog put up a link when it was on sale and I snatched it up for $60.00

Lucky you. I remember missing that sale. Did you make any modifications to nozzle? PS we missed ya slacker.
That regrowing lettuce thing totally works.. 2 days sitting in water(the crown part) 2 inches of new leaf growth and no roots .. I'll post a pic. Sometime when I turn on my PC. on the windows phone that can't upload pics...

Interesting stuff. The other day I found a single Brussels sprout in one of my worm bins that had sprouted a healthy set of roots. It looked like a little micro-sized head of cabbage. When I harvest my Brussels sprouts in month or so I think I'm gonna set a couple sprouts aside for some experimenting. I wonder if it will grow into a proper plant, or just a little mutant sprout?

This is similar to the method I use for growing onions and garlic.
Interesting stuff. The other day I found a single Brussels sprout in one of my worm bins that had sprouted a healthy set of roots. It looked like a little micro-sized head of cabbage. When I harvest my Brussels sprouts in month or so I think I'm gonna set a couple sprouts aside for some experimenting. I wonder if it will grow into a proper plant, or just a little mutant sprout?

This is similar to the method I use for growing onions and garlic.

So far I've had two seedlings sprout in my bin! Leggy one didn't make it and second one is in my losing solo cup :clap:

Anywho, after several 'axings'...I can't tell a difference between my coco and peat mixes. I guess the coco really isn't worth the effort in LOS, or a six month R&D to get it right :( It's all about the worm poo eh.
So far I've had two seedlings sprout in my bin! Leggy one didn't make it and second one is in my losing solo cup :clap:

Anywho, after several 'axings'...I can't tell a difference between my coco and peat mixes. I guess the coco really isn't worth the effort in LOS, or a six month R&D to get it right :( It's all about the worm poo eh.

While you sound disappointed that the coco and peat and turning out to pretty much the same things in performance, that is reassuring for me, as I plan to use cocobricks for portability in Guerilla growing, but I was a bit worried about unpredictabity. Did you have any fear of Magnesium deficiency with coco? I'm thinking the standard 1 cup dolomite per cubic foot that is generally applied to regular peat base mixes, ought to be enough for coco as well, or should that quantity be altered for coco?
I'm just disappointed in all the trial and error, to get identical (cheaper) results. I put crushed up dolo (crush with mask :O) in my worm bin. I think just a tsp. a gallon is okay, but you really don't need it. You just need to amend soil with enough Ca. Here's a simple lime recipe from Coot:

The problem with Dolomite Lime (specifically) is manifested on several levels - not the least of which is the time required for this mineral compound to degrade which has to happen for the Calcium (Ca) to become available for CE (cation exchange). Then there's the issue with the ratio of Magnesium (Mg) to Calcium (Ca) - it's completely out of whack, i.e. the Mg levels are way too high.

Here's a mix you can put together at Home Depot for chump-change: Lily Miller Super Sweet (Limestone - Calcium Carbonate) and Gypsum and you want to buy the Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) in the garden department and NOT in the home repair department - two different forms of Gypsum.

Here's the recipe:

2x Limestone
1x Gypsum

Mix thoroughly and apply at the same rate you do/did with Dolomite Lime. Now you have elemental Calcium (Ca), Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) and Sulfur which will partially be converted to Sulfuric Acid which is necessary to deconstruct these mineral compounds making them available to the plant's roots.

Note: You could replace the Limestone with either Oyster Shell Powder (pure Calcium Carbonate) or Agricultural Lime (aka Calcite Lime) which is also a pure form of Calcium Carbonate. But the above recipe will get you the benefits you're looking for in a liming agent.

I also add a cup cal/phos and 1 tbsp epsom/cu ft with coco. You can always make some soft rock phos and/or epsom salt tea or top dress if you see a definciency...which I haven't had yet. Hope this helps.
So far I've had two seedlings sprout in my bin! Leggy one didn't make it and second one is in my losing solo cup :clap:

Anywho, after several 'axings'...I can't tell a difference between my coco and peat mixes. I guess the coco really isn't worth the effort in LOS, or a six month R&D to get it right :( It's all about the worm poo eh.

I'm real happy with my current mix which includes coco. 1/2 peat 1/2 coco. I don't worry as much about the soil being too acidic, and I think it helps with oxygen to the root zone. I'm gonna keep running with it. I had some issues with a straight peat base.
I'm real happy with my current mix which includes coco. 1/2 peat 1/2 coco. I don't worry as much about the soil being too acidic, and I think it helps with oxygen to the root zone. I'm gonna keep running with it. I had some issues with a straight peat base.

I really like the works. I also like the idea of coco and peat! Keep us posted on that one ;) I did have great aeration and retention with tho coco. I forget to mention a huge plus...NO F'N DRY SPOTS!!! My mix was 42% hydrated coco by volume.

Another thing I noticed was soggy rice hulls after around 100 days. I'm unfortunately going to have to re-amend. The positives being the Silica when hulls are broken I get a huge 50# bale for 25$ From local brewery! Wish I could find cheap small lava rock...