Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Could be a bit too wet maybe.

Dear hillbill,
Thank you for your answer. I am very cautious with watering. Every now and then when I get a bit too enthusiastic with my teas applications and water gushes out everywhere, I make sure the top one and a half inches are dry to the touch before I rewater the plants. Hence, over watering is highly unlikely.

So again, any suggestion on how to mediate my probably high N levels?

SuckingTheNOutOfMySoillingly yours,
I don't think it will be available to the plants right away. I use a dose of Mad Farmer MOAB once or twice in flower.
Thanks for the replies. I understand that it won't be available right away. However i hammered it ground it then blended it with water and strained the juice. It has no particles and is still cloudy after 12 hours I'm hoping this will be available much quicker.

I have two females out of four seeds. One is much bigger than the other and the smaller one is flowering much quicker.

I'm going to blend up some chicken bones and strain it the same as I understand bones have lots of phosphorus

I will up some photos soon
The humidity where I live is all ways above 85 percent and sometimes gets as high as 95 as I live by the beach. Will this be a problem for flowering? Their is all ways a good strong breeze
Do you make all your own ferts

If you are into making your own fertilizer, check out Gill has a fermented plant extract bloom recipe on there. I just warn to travel that road with caution. I have let some fermentations get way to strong and burned my plants. Also, a Valerian root tea has a nice phosphorous punch to it too. No need to ferment that one either. Hope this helps!

If you are into making your own fertilizer, check out Gill has a fermented plant extract bloom recipe on there. I just warn to travel that road with caution. I have let some fermentations get way to strong and burned my plants. Also, a Valerian root tea has a nice phosphorous punch to it too. No need to ferment that one either. Hope this helps!

Thanks for that link bro!!!!
I click grow fertilizer then learn to make your own fish hydrolysate and some japanese site pops up ¿¿¿

If your having trouble with Gills site, you can search the Web for free PDFs of Dr. Cho's Korean Natural Farming. It's a really badass manual, and there is way more info than unconventional farmer. I just really like how simple Gill lays things out and always send folks there first. Dr. Cho knows whats going on for sure too though.