Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Grow bags and poke holes with a screw driver. It will take forever. But you will get an idea of what its like. If you don't like it only a couple dol wasted. I like fabric pots more. Root pouch and smart pot brand are what I have. I have viagrowtm too bit I don't like them anymore.
Grow bags and poke holes with a screw driver. It will take forever. But you will get an idea of what its like. If you don't like it only a couple dol wasted. I like fabric pots more. Root pouch and smart pot brand are what I have. I have viagrowtm too bit I don't like them anymore.

i already have 50 two gallon grow bags...didn't even think of them. Have you tried the air pots?
i am still not sold on smart pots... my plants in 7gals nursery plastic containers usually yield better! and i dont have to water them so often
I use both smart-pots and 5 gal buckets (with holes drilled) and after numerous grows cannot say that the smart-pots do any better than the buckets. The one thing I like about smart pots is that they're pliable and fit in tight spots better than buckets.
I use both smart-pots and 5 gal buckets (with holes drilled) and after numerous grows cannot say that the smart-pots do any better than the buckets. The one thing I like about smart pots is that they're pliable and fit in tight spots better than buckets.
Welcome to the dark side! Might get shunned with MG in your sig lol. Let us know when you start cookin some soil.
You would think fabric pots would allow air to penetrate into the medium better then a plastic pot. Air pots are not fun though...Dislike due to water spilling everywhere and when the plants roots reach the bottom it seems like no matter how much water you pour you never soak the whole thing! just my experience though!
My smart pot ladies outperformed my 5 gallon bucket girls by almost double. Same SS but they seemed to like having more air. No matter how many drain holes I drill the plastic buckets always have soggy soil in the bottom.

I have noticed that cannabis does not like having wet roots. I have wilted many plants and they just bounced back harder when I watered them again.
Do you guys mix DE in soil or just top dress? I currently use ProTekt, but it'll run out soon and I need a cheaper more organic option. Don't mind the whole bug shredding thing either. Also, I have hydroton laying around...would you mix this with soil? I already have 20-25% perlite. Thnx in advance MFers!

I personally use about 1/4 cup of DE per cubic foot. It has so many benefits, but too much will kill worms.

I just got a bag of DE. It`s Red Lake Earth brand, with Calcium Bentonite. Food chemical codex grade. Powder, omri listed. Just wondering if this type would work well for the girls? The main thing I am after from it is the Si. I have read one of the most available forms of Si is in DE.

Would it be safe to sprinkle some before every watering? Was thinking around half a cup per 5 gallon pot, on top of soil and water in. If anyone thinks that`s too much/ not enough, please let me know.

I might have to look into that product, because I use DE and calcium bentonite. The bentonite is a great mineral source, and acts as a magnet to any toxins that may be in your soil.
Top dress some homemade compost on the soil. Creepy crawlers no like. Any predatory mites that may be in there will gobble them up too.
Top dress some homemade compost on the soil. Creepy crawlers no like. Any predatory mites that may be in there will gobble them up too.

I agree! I just use worm castings. They get nice and crusty between waterings so the gnats are SOL. Plus a top dress of compost or vermicompost never hurt plant health anyways right?!
I personally use about 1/4 cup of DE per cubic foot. It has so many benefits, but too much will kill worms.

I might have to look into that product, because I use DE and calcium bentonite. The bentonite is a great mineral source, and acts as a magnet to any toxins that may be in your soil.

Yeah, I read up on the calcium bentonite and seems to be good stuff. They also have an agricultural version, but without the bentonite.

If the Si is as available as this stuff claims, I will be a happy guy. Would like to get all fancy with the liquid Silicon but the DE is all I have available at the moment.

Have not gone full ROLS yet, but my young ladies in veg are in good quality organic soil.
My cuts from those I plan on doing this way and I need to know if I should incorporate the DE in the ROLS mix, or leave it out?
Yeah, I read up on the calcium bentonite and seems to be good stuff. They also have an agricultural version, but without the bentonite.

If the Si is as available as this stuff claims, I will be a happy guy. Would like to get all fancy with the liquid Silicon but the DE is all I have available at the moment.

Have not gone full ROLS yet, but my young ladies in veg are in good quality organic soil.
My cuts from those I plan on doing this way and I need to know if I should incorporate the DE in the ROLS mix, or leave it out?
It's hard to get away from the ProTekt. Great product that wont break your pockets. I just like the thought of shredding bugs while getting enough Si.
Less than 14 dollars for a 20 lb. bag. Kills many household pest too. Rub it into your pets fur to help get rid of fleas. Food grade is even safe for human consumption, and has a ton of benefits for us too! I was putting a layer on top of my soil last night, when a spider the size of a half dollar got between me and grow room door. I honestly didnt want to get close enough to him at first to dump the spoonfull I had on him. So I grabbed the sprayer full of azomax and shot him with it. He ran in a few circles and stopped moving. then I dumped the spoonful on his back...Man he flipped out on that shit! Started floppin around crawled into a corner and died.