Reeferman seeds

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BT is a great friend and quite knowledgeable. Was he opinionated and at times an asshole? Of course. He's Brick Top!! But he also shared tons of accurate info and I know he can grow his old ass off and this I know and only one way to "a tuay know". But as to reefs affiliation he knows what we know. Which is only what we here
Bricktop was a bonehead and couldn't defend himself when he was posting here, hahahahah
You know me, I'll argue and concede (reluctantly) a point but I could not find common ground with him.
You're reasonable.

Some things Bricktop said, I agreed with, some not. I'm not defending him, this just isn't about him, so I'm not talking about him.

It would seem prudent to do bit of research, or better yet bite your tongue, before spreading information that is defamatory in nature. $.02
Exactly. Just don't make those sorts of claims about someone without some pretty good reasons to believe that they're true, that's all.

If you've heard the guy make racist remarks, that's one thing.

Going to a cannabis board and telling the posters that a particular breeder (whom you've never met or even spoken to) is a racist, and you shouldn't buy ceeds from them for that reason is textbook libel. You're deliberately promulgating falsehoods about someone in a manner intended to damage their reputation and injure their business.

Now, in practice, this probably isn't winnable in court, since I think Reefer would have to prove damages, but I wouldn't want to be a defendant here.
You're reasonable.

Some things Bricktop said, I agreed with, some not. I'm not defending him, this just isn't about him, so I'm not talking about him.

Thanks for that, it's all I lay claim to in life lol

As for ole' BT, well it sort of is about him look what the rapscallion perpetuated.... while it's probably the minor part of issue that you eloquently described it's valuable to question the source given personal experiences with said source.
All the posts about RM are interesting.I was there.His parents?They are both high placed in gov jobs in Alberta.He always said he was American(originally)but that is another story.He was a body guard for the leading Neo Natzi ,had that crazy church(pastor Chuck) went to Amsterdam,sure he won cups, but later left a lot of good people high and dry,exit again.His wife adored Hitler (next to my husband) Went to Mex.worked with the big bad boys to teach them and probably give them genetics.Hey way to go eh? Took on a full partner in the seed buisness(for money) left investor/friend with the genetics .Company going well now without him.Oh yes,Reeferman is now working with a pharma company as director of there Research and Developement .They will be putting something into the seeds so that weed confiscated can be testedto see if it is "licensed" He is a complete selloutand a con.However the site has his original genetics and arae trying to restart,as C is outnow.Until his next reincarnation.
Wow if the agenda here is not clear in the first lines of this post you have don't buy reeferman seeds followed by buy another company seeds , I walked away from the right when I was 20 years old period ! My entire crew are multi cultural I have spent my life since in many countries with diverse people . I have raised 4 awsome children who knew nothing about any of the racist crap that gets dragged up until they read shitt on the net
Teddy is AKA alfie mceknzie the guy selling fake reeferman seeds knowing I was not working because I was under a contract that did not allow me to sell Cannabis or Cannabis genetics .
Let me just tell the truth about Alfie Mekenzie this is a guy who I have had to back up for years becuase he is weak and dishonest his brother murdered his girl friend in his mom's rooming house , the first day I spent with the guy in over a decade , he started medical seed sales to sell off surplus seeds from the South america project because I could not legally sell anything , I told him when the seeds are done you will have to find another supplier , remember he did not have a reeferman web domain if as he says I was a partner why is his web site not a reeferman URL? anyways I had returned to Canada and needed to sell the see seeds as they were not getting any fresher , as they began getting lower I told him I would help him breed his own line we were going to call it the lower mainland collection he know calls reeferman seeds like PIG og , Bubba x rockstar etc etc , around this same time I was getting ready to move my family accross the country and needed cash he asked if I wanted to do a trip for him I would get $7k it involved flying with a locked bag and flying back with another locked bag , so everything goes fine when I return they unlock the bag long story short the bag is empty and he says I owe him $$ and he wants me to breed seeds for him , I stuck around until I was hearing threats from the guy about some phycho biker if I did not agree to do what they wanted in case he was not part of the scam I suggested we go to the polygraph guy he did not want any part of it .
Now the insult my wife adored hitler what a fucking Joke dragging my family into this Alfie how low is that I just won the Spain Bio Cannabis cup against all the big guys so I am far from finished
I am not out of anything when you are a breeder your breeding if you don't have a marketing program it does not mean your not breeding Genuine Reeferman seeds are for sale at attitude and BC bud depot and the reeferman web site from will be up again soon .
You guys can read what you want into all of this I far from racist I am committed to freedom on every level I have lived all over the earth my children were Schooled in India I have been working in North Africa , South America , Syria etc etc There is the truth guys
Charles the real and only reeferman
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These are not my seeds this is the fake reeferman seeds site run by Alfie Mckenzie

brotherjericho said: ↑

Yeah Reef, way to go!

Wait, they don't sell your seeds anymore. My bad.

Apparently after a several year absence, Reef just got back into the game, and the 2013 Reeferman ceed collection can be found for sale here:

As to whether or not these lines are any good. . . I have no idea.

Grow report: Mexican Brick bagseed. . .is it schwagg or not?!
Grow report: Sickmeds Williams Wonder.
Grow report: Sickmeds Chemical Wonder.
Jogro, Jun 4, 2013 Report
#38 Like Reply

brotherjericho Well-Known Member

Jogro said: ↑
These are not my seeds this is the fake reeferman seeds site run by Alfie Mckenzie

brotherjericho said: ↑

Yeah Reef, way to go!

Wait, they don't sell your seeds anymore. My bad.

Apparently after a several year absence, Reef just got back into the game, and the 2013 Reeferman ceed collection can be found for sale here:

As to whether or not these lines are any good. . . I have no idea.

Grow report: Mexican Brick bagseed. . .is it schwagg or not?!
Grow report: Sickmeds Williams Wonder.
Grow report: Sickmeds Chemical Wonder.
Jogro, Jun 4, 2013 Report
#38 Like Reply

brotherjericho Well-Known Member

Jogro said: ↑
Yo reef! Can't ever find your gear obviously but got my hands on a cut of the Crystal ship! Gotta say she's beautiful. Great branching, very vigorous, and nugs are huge! Good yielder too imo. Fast finisher for such a hardcore looking sativa!
Thanks for the feedback i just bred a fresh line of crystal ship when I say bred a fresh line I grew out the last 60 seeds we had and selected 2 great females and produced the first s-1 hybrids of CS , a lovely white strain . its sad we have all these trolls effecting our ability to share valuable information and !
Alfie Aka Teddy tell the truth now you have never met anyone in my family nor did you meet me until I was 30 years old , you sir are a lier trying to make up stories to Justify scamming me this will all come out very soon in court .
Here is a picture of the Black pheno of congolese its shows at a ratio of 1-60


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Hi folks maybe a picture of real pink kush not the OG being called pink by the fake RM LOL

Here is real pink !


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meditation(XD11) is a new hybrid between hash plant & Pink kush like I said because I have not been commercially selling seeds does not mean I have stopped breeding !


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So.... Where is it I can get geniune Reeferman seeds? I wouldn't mind trying out some of the genetics.
I thought I would paste this here again

This business is Changing rapidly soon people will not hide behind fake names and slander people everyone knows I am Charles Scott I was raised in the far Right and left when I was 21-22 years old , there is a film of me when I was 20 that is embarrassing to me that people who also sell seeds use to discredit me .
I have raised 4 beautiful kids who are very successful , I have not been selling seeds for a number of years because of personal crisis that involved some really terrible shit that happened to me and others in a foreign country because of prohibition and than because of contracts that prohibited me from growing except for the R&D company I was employed by .
I have chronic Pain issues Fibromyalgia and Server Arthritis , I use Cannabis and opiate pain killers and like most people with pain issues I am dependant on morphine .
I lost some strains when I returned from a foreign country in 07 I was busted well they were in my driveway when I came home one day I signed a paper allowing them to take my plants with no warrant and they did not charge me .
I lost viet black a couple afghani's , King the red congo cut , I have got back everything except the Viet black but I got a better clone now from the Hau Bac seed line .
I am a classic Space cadet at time which is why I only have others handle distribution of my seeds , I get focussed on projects and have the best of intentions but get side tracked easily .
I must admit that I have promised to send people things and have not generally as replacements when distributors should have and I have just forgot or just not done so , I do not like to personally sell (send) seeds that are shipped to other countries .
I am sorry if I let anyone down I can assure you that my best effort goes into what I breed and I have lots of new stuff way better than willie or Love potion ever was I am just not so wrapped up in Marketing and cups and ego play what I do is in the best interest of the people who suffer in silence , I can assure you anyone who is around me will tell you I am a generous guy who will fill your hands and pockets with whatever I have I don't like the business of Cannabis very much or I would still be chasing cups and buying magazine adds .
Well here is a clear and precise picture of who I am and what I have done and will continue today let me say that certain people have made a serious effort to multiple a few complaints and spread them all over along with that video from when I was 20 years old .
I can not change history it is what it is .
Hi Charles,

I'm a long-time fan of your work... But this would be my first time reaching out. I've got a plant here that i would love to preserve for future harvests, it is absolutely amazing. I'm certain it's yours, i'm just not certain at which point or from whom i purchased it... It was quite a few bowls ago. If you are curious about what it is i have, i would be more than happy to post some pictures of it. Nonetheless, my question still remains "noobile" How can i preserve this strain? Is there a method to producing seeds from just one female plant? Any and all input is appreciated - and as always - keep up the good work! And fuck these clowns in the ear, dont listen to them. Jealousy is a stinky cologne. Peace
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