Reeferman seeds

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Holy shit man. How many times does someone have to explain that things done in their past do not necessarily represent what he is about at the point in time. He WAS involved in a white supremacist group. He has released several statements letting people know that the old Charles Scott is no more. I personally worked with this man in a legal grow facility filled with people of all different races and ethnicities. Its Canada, you cant be too intolerant these days. Charles has tried to clear his name many times, if people dont want to listen, thats their own perogetive. Do some research before spreading hate like this.
Holy shit man. How many times does someone have to explain that things done in their past do not necessarily represent what he is about at the point in time. He WAS involved in a white supremacist group. He has released several statements letting people know that the old Charles Scott is no more. I personally worked with this man in a legal grow facility filled with people of all different races and ethnicities. Its Canada, you cant be too intolerant these days. Charles has tried to clear his name many times, if people dont want to listen, thats their own perogetive. Do some research before spreading hate like this.
He looks like full grown man holding a 12 gauge in that video why should anyone respect him? their are plenty of good breeders this idiot lost all his good shit and is a racist to boot he looked what 25+ in the video which I will repost so what he is old enough to join the military get sentenced to death drink alcohol but not old enough to realize niggers are actually humans too? So you say he has a legal facility with different races well lets see a picture of him with a few black men in this facilty and proof they are getting fair wages or he is no better then the racist Texan with a flock of Mexicans.
As for your request, it is as farfetched as your ability to comprehend a simple thought. The man has changed, simple as that. I wouldn't want your business anyways. You sound like the same basement-dwelling, infantile baby-grown ups that live their lives trying to make a name for themselves on an online forum. The man changed, as most men do as they grow older, and he's got a much nicer resumé than you'd ever have. Jealousy is a very stinky cologne.
Do some research before spreading hate.
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He looks like full grown man holding a 12 gauge in that video why should anyone respect him? their are plenty of good breeders this idiot lost all his good shit and is a racist to boot he looked what 25+ in the video which I will repost so what he is old enough to join the military get sentenced to death drink alcohol but not old enough to realize niggers are actually humans too? So you say he has a legal facility with different races well lets see a picture of him with a few black men in this facilty and proof they are getting fair wages or he is no better then the racist Texan with a flock of Mexicans.
As for your request, it is as farfetched as your ability to comprehend a simple thought. The man has changed, simple as that. I wouldn't want your business anyways. You sound like the same basement-dwelling, infantile baby-grown ups that live their lives trying to make a name for themselves on an online forum. The man changed, as most men do as they grow older, and he's got a much nicer resumé than you'd ever have. Jealousy is a very stinky cologne.
Do some research before spreading hate.

It's not your place to tell someone who they should forgive on a given subject. Since Tamp doesn't know him in any form I see no reason why he would/should be compelled to change his opinion from one he formed based on a publicly available video.

Man is/was a racist. That shit doesn't fly around in Canada anymore. There was a time when those folks got away with putting their Nazi flags in the windows and shit, but that time has passed. No one tolerates that shit here anymore. My point is I don't know if he's really changed his views or if he's just keeping his views to himself in fear of being attacked by the media and the community around him. Canada is a place of tolerance even intolerant folks will be tolerant if they keep their shit to themselves.

I don't really care either. I just don't think you should try and tell someone to be accepting of someone who preached socially and morally unacceptable views.
As for your request, it is as farfetched as your ability to comprehend a simple thought. The man has changed, simple as that. I wouldn't want your business anyways. You sound like the same basement-dwelling, infantile baby-grown ups that live their lives trying to make a name for themselves on an online forum. The man changed, as most men do as they grow older, and he's got a much nicer resumé than you'd ever have. Jealousy is a very stinky cologne.
Do some research before spreading hate.
Lol, make a name for myself where do you get that? No way am a jealous of a morbidly obese low level seed pusher and a sad pathetic Nazi lover named Charles. I am however jealous of Shantibaba, DJ Short, Ben Donkers, and a few others but you won't hear me talk bad of anyone of them. The man did not change he was well over 25 in the video of course he hides his image and is too old to beat up a black man. Go ahead buy your seed from the worn out fat racist who lost everything decent he had which wasn't much love potion and willie nelson come on those where never legends.
I started a thread a while back on the quality of these genetics. Its interesting how its become character bashing when someone has publicly stated otherwise. I despise racist and racial ideology. I'm not close to family members because of it. Shit, I use to rock a "Nazi skinheads fuck off" patch when I was a teenager.

What I find odd is people that aren't vested in him, have never met him, and haven't experienced how fucked up being raised by extreme racists must be are so quick to dismiss his upbringing. I mean, how fucked up must it be to live in a home where that shit is repeated and taught? Did you not look up to your parents?

Nonetheless, the dude said he has changed. Can anyone honestly look back 5, 10 year and not think of how they’ve changed? I'm interested if he actually had good genetics. Granted I wouldn't wanna give money to a nazi, but this dude seems to have denounced that hateful ideology. Props for that really.
Take a long hard look he is morbidly obese old slow and lazy you think he can move around a grow room? he probably has migrants working for peanuts like the first video everyone is working not the white folk.
Well I know plenty of people with obesity issues, and I'm at times slow due to arthritis yet I guess I'm still youthful. Point being if the dude were to say some stupid shit now, have a field day. But to act as if people don't change, or that you yourself haven't in 10 years or more, is delusional to one's self. Nothing is static. I wanna see grow logs/journals, not dragging up old dirt that's well known
Now who cares if someones fat? If he's preaching socially irresponsible bullshit go get 'em.

I took meds made me pack on 100lbs in a few months and has done massive damage to my body, I was 185lbs to 270lbs in a few months, I was being monitored by a doctor the whole time. He watched me get fat and said "meh" then I go in there 6 months after I stopped taking the pills and have dropped 60+lbs and he calls me fat.... Folks can pack on the lbs. for other reasons then being lazy. I was ripped in great shape took some pills and I was finding myself at the fridge in my sleep in the middle of the night eating horrible shit, I'd literally wake up with food in my mouth. I'm still suffering for it, I hurt and have no energy and am finding it insanely hard to get back into the shape I was in a 1.5-2 years ago. I'm down to 210ish lbs now and still don't feel like I used to. Now that my surgery is done I can finally work out and TRY and get back the life I had.

Pharmaceuticals are killing the population of the world slowly. Side effects like these have done damage to almost all my internal organs. I just had surgery to remove lumps caused by these meds, probably have more surgeries as there are more lumps that weren't removed yet.

Ever heard of Claustridium Difficile? yeah they gave me that too...Shit kills people...
This is the ideal response. Who cares if he's fat? Are you really attacking someone based on their weight when discussing a completely different issue? The question here is his genetics, and capabilities as a breeder. You have a lot of hate built up inside you. You feel the need to justify yourself in the only place you can - the internet. You're a coward for trying to discredit someone based on all the wrong reasons. And tonightisyou or whatever his name is said it best - all the people that bash this man have NEVER met him. Most of the time when i find a post from someone who HAS met him, they're a little more understanding of the situation as a whole and are able to draw more logical conclusions; people change. What you were taught by your parents is not always right(everyone can attest to this) you shouldn't always believe things just because you've heard them once or twice - and even more so should not SPREAD that hate to others so that they too may also commit ill-informed, malicious actions against someone THEY HAVE NEVER MET. Heresay... What an incredibly close-minded way to live your life. Anyone not willing to give his fellow man the time of day to make a decision for himself, and would rather listen to the angry screeching of uneducated, illiterate, over privileged spoiled fucking man-children. Eat shit and die, honestly.
BTW you cant post a video of reeferman that I havent yet seen. And you will not sway me in the slightest. Im sure i could ask for a review on most anything and your jaded, cynical views of the world would find something wrong with them. DJ short is a fucking joke... By the way. You really dont know who you support and who you insult, you have no idea who they really are.. And for this you look a complete fool. Also, intolerance on any level is an unbecoming trait. Maybe you should learn from Charles, and embrace someone that you have only been trained and TOLD, to hate. They are not your enemy. My $.02.
Man is/was a racist. That shit doesn't fly around in Canada anymore. My point is I don't know if he's really changed his views

I don't really care either..

Few things i have a problem with:

K first of all "is/was" is the dumbest statement ive ever read. Think about it. He is, or he was. Dipshit.

Second, that shit doesnt fly around" in canada anymore? I think you're using this phrase incorrectly, to your own fault.

Third - "you dont know..." Where the fuck do you think you get off posting here at all if you dont know shit.

Reason 4 - "i dont really care either.." Refer to reason #3.
Shit sorry... Im done. Really, my apologies. It gets frustrating but i shouldnt have gone off on him. My bad.
Few things i have a problem with:

K first of all "is/was" is the dumbest statement ive ever read. Think about it. He is, or he was. Dipshit.

Second, that shit doesnt fly around" in canada anymore? I think you're using this phrase incorrectly, to your own fault.

Third - "you dont know..." Where the fuck do you think you get off posting here at all if you dont know shit.

Reason 4 - "i dont really care either.." Refer to reason #3.

I was more trying to get across that I don't know what he's thinking and that people can put on a show. I don't know him, I can't judge his character based on who he is today. I really don't care for how you are so touchy over this whole thing. I am going to take Sunni's advice and stop.

Also who the fuck are you? <-- that's a joke, I just wanted you to see how ridiculous it looks when someone else says it... we're on the internet there bud.
I can't comment here anymore. But i will say, as far as being a "well-known member" on an online forum will take you... Garnering instant respect from someone just because they are new is also a little farfetched. So i could ask you the same thing. Who the fuck are you?
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