Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

robert the focus seems to be now the arc. the last arguments have pertained to the arc argument. I maintain it is an impossibility, at the same time i maintain that faith is by definition beyond rational. they are not mutually exclusive. it's not drama. i must have hit a nerve. sorry. i think that people of true faith should stop trying to convince people that the stories are true, because it's a loosing proposition. i firmly believe in "Christian" principles, but these principles are not exclusive and in fact are a part of all the worlds great religions.
oh yeah...and i love the cassowary...don't be hatin' on my cassowary rob:mrgreen:. i think they still have one at SA Zoo

I love South Parks take on religion. Always very funny. The episode where Jesus saves Santa from terrorists and Jesus dies in Santas arms lol.
i too love the cassowary , but i don't see where where your fury comes from

seriously bro...i got no fury for this... I'm glad that people have faith. i'm even glad that the person prosthlatizing is a nice kind person. i don't see where you see fury rob.
i went back and reread my posts and i guess the "gutting a man with one kick" is kind of's out of zeal for the cassowary and their general dangerous nature
I think that religion should be a personal matter. as soon as its more than one person the belifs have to be bent to suit everyone. organized religion is just another way of geting people to conform to their way of thinking, to get people to band together to point their finger at someone else.
I can see no benefit in organized religion, other than false peace of mind. and it has so many downsides, not least the scary levels of indoctrination. let people make up their own minds.
Lets evolve past it.
how do i make this stop ...rob?

i'm sorry. that's what works for me bro. I really wasn't out offend anyone in this thread. ha ha. it's all good....i should know better than to enter a religious debate, or a political one.

It's pretty F@#$in' hot hey Robert. You think it's going to rain anytime soon?
I'm sorry. that's what works for me bro. I really wasn't out offend anyone in this thread. ha ha. it's all good....i should know better than to enter a religious debate, or a political one.

It's pretty F@#$in' hot hey Robert. You think it's going to rain anytime soon?
45 fucking days dry and over 100 degrees F no i don't thin kit will rain .
but looking at the for cast there will be some rain in our near fitter