grape swisha
Well-Known Member
wow this zorkan guy needs to be banned for being an idiot
we know what you believe but have you heard the other side
WHICH other side. You do know that there are more religions that just Christianity, right?
we are all taught evolution now hear the other side ...
yes but those can easily be proven fake
dont ask me to do it just search it yourself
its easy
yep dig deep the truth is there
no not at all first there was nothing then something formed and exploded creating plantets with volcanos air water gravity then live monsters crawled out of the pools of water turned into monkeys that turned into humans thats not to hard to imagine.
but to think that some god created it all haha thats funny who could imagine that?
what is hard to imagine is what we are turning into.. got any ideas?
well actually it didnt happen anything like that. Thanks for showing how little you know on the subject which you condem.
So stop for minute look through this thread, notice how you only answer questions where there is apprantly no definite proof for or against. Notice how the good questions get convienetly ignored.
Notice how all the 'evidence' you posted came from Christian websites.
Find me material proof that God exsists and i will be converted. Throw spirtual bullcrap and half baked arguments in my face and I will fight you all the way.
I have skiped a few questions because i think you all know the answer and are just asking me to see if i know. click the links in my sig they will answer alot of questions.
If you have one that those pages dont answer then ask me.
Those answers mostly come from christian webpages because we are all taught the big bang, evolution ... in school.
have you really checked into the facts or just took the word of text books in school because everyone knows they still print known lies in those and what a shame.
google "lucy".
i could ask you a "good question" like how does the big bang work or how did what did we evolve from OR i could just go to one of the atheist sites. why would i ask you that questions, to see if you know?
what material proof that God exsists would you like to see? <-- that is a questions i cant go to some atheist webpage to find out.
Don't skip questions, very simple. If what you say is true then we all know nothing and it is your duty to inform us so that our souls can be saved.
The links in your sigs are bias towards Christianity, we need impartial sources or bullshit will be called.
I have asked you many questions and so have other which have been unanswered.
I could make my own page with my own facts and claim them to be true. Just cos i say it does not make it so. We need material logical evidence.
School books contain information which YOU claim to be wrong. Find proof against them and your ideas might be considered.
I didn't read all of what wikipedia said about 'Lucy' but it seems to me to be a part of the 'missing link'. Is that what you are getting at with that? A skeleton very similar to humans dated at roughly 3 million years old?
You could ask me to prove the Big Bang but to fully understand it you would need to do a degree in Physics. Basically it is a very very complex piece of physics.
One thing though that I can roughly explain is the red shift.
Gonna steal some stuff from Wikipedia (Impartial Website)
In physics and astronomy, redshift occurs when electromagnetic radiationusually visible lightemitted or reflected by an object is shifted towards the (less energetic) red end of the electromagnetic spectrum due to the Doppler effect or other gravitationally-induced effects. More generally, redshift is defined as an increase in the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation received by a detector compared with the wavelength emitted by the source. This increase in wavelength corresponds to a drop in the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation. Conversely, a decrease in wavelength is called blue shift.
Basically scientist have been able to see Stars going supernova using the hubble telescope. The light is shifted towards the red spectrum.
This means they are moving away. If something is moving away then it must of started at a central point to begin with. This is one of the 'proofs' of the Big Bang. Because although the science isn't there yet (experiment happening in particle accelerators etc) There are signs to show it must have happened.
Hmm what material proof of God would I like.
Well I would like to see him, and know it was him (and he would be able to make me believe this cos he is God). If something happened which was actually impossible, like someone who was dead for 3 days coming back to life. If an angel came down and spoke to me.
Atheist and Christian websites are always going to be Bias towards their own beliefs. So use something impartial. Basically stop posting those links which are written by some extreme nut.
ok ask your questions.
about school books .... On Friday the Texas State Board of Education voted to adopt Chief Deputy
Commissioner of the Texas Education Agencys Robert Scott's, recommendation
for the elimination of factual errors in high school and advanced placement
biology textbooks.
Institute President Bruce Chapman said. "We are already happy that a number
of embarrassing errors that overstate the evidence for evolutionary theory
were being fixed;
In the future the Discovery Institute officials in their press release said
they will continue to publicize the errors in textbooks, the weaknesses
alleged to prove Darwinian evolution theory, and educate the public on the
dangers of not fully and completely teaching Darwin's theory
LUCY Casts of Lucys bones have been imaginatively restored in museums worldwide to look like an apewoman, e.g. with ape-like face and head, but human-like body, hands and feet. However, the original Lucy fossil did not include the upper jaw, nor most of the skull, nor hand and foot bones!
LUCY: Lucy is the latest find that has been almost universally accepted as mankind's ancestor.
Lucy is an Australopithecus, that is actually more like a monkey than man. When the bones were studied by spectrograph, they were found to match a chimpanzee, rather than a man. Lucy too, is a mosaic, with bones assembled from different locations.
No doubt that last part is true. If one is determined to live outside of the myth must tie oneself to the isn't an easy way to go. It is much more comfortable in the bosom of religion, hence it's popularity.
Here is an interesting snippet of an article I was researching in Greenhouse gases for another forum. It got me to thinking about this thread......
Read the snippet.... it's interesting. Think of course how you can take the information of the "how and why" in stride today. Now cast yourself back to biblical times and replay the article. What do you think would have been written about it?
I think that should give you a window into the mentality of the people from which Christian religion was born from....
Gas saturation
Lake Nyos is one of only three lakes in the world known to be saturated with carbon dioxide -- the others are Lake Monoun, also in Cameroon about 100 km away, and Lake Kivu in Rwanda. A magma chamber beneath the region is an abundant source of carbon dioxide, which seeps up through the lake bed, charging the waters of Lake Nyos with an estimated 90 million tonnes of CO2.
Lake Nyos is thermally stratified, with layers of warm, less dense water near the surface floating on the colder, denser water layers near the lake's bottom. Over long periods, carbon dioxide gas seeping into the cold water at the lake's bottom is dissolved in great amounts.
Most of the time, the lake is stable and the CO2 remains in solution in the lower layers. However, over time the water becomes supersaturated, and if an event such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption occurs, large amounts of CO2 may suddenly come out of solution. The 1986 disaster
Lake Nyos as it appeared less than two weeks after the eruption; August 29, 1986. Areas once covered with vegetation are especially visible from the divide between photos to the extreme right.
A cow suffocated by gases from Lake Nyos
Although a sudden outgassing of CO2 had occurred at Lake Monoun in 1984, killing 37 local residents, a similar threat from Lake Nyos was not anticipated. However, on August 21, 1986, a limnic eruption occurred at Lake Nyos which triggered the sudden release of about 1.6 million tonnes of CO2. The gas rushed down two nearby valleys, displacing all the air and suffocating some 1,700 people within 20 km of the lake, mostly rural villagers, as well as 3,500 livestock. About 4,000 inhabitants fled the area, and many of these developed respiratory problems, lesions, and paralysis as a result of the gases.[4]
It is not known what triggered the catastrophic outgassing. Most geologists suspect a landslide, but some believe that a small volcanic eruption may have occurred on the bed of the lake. A third possibility is that cool rainwater falling on one side of the lake triggered the overturn. Whatever the cause, the event resulted in the rapid mixing of the supersaturated deep water with the upper layers of the lake, where the reduced pressure allowed the stored CO2 to effervesce out of solution.
It is believed that up to a cubic kilometre of gas was released. Because pure CO2 is denser than air, the gas flowed off the mountainous flank in which Lake Nyos rests and down two adjoining valleys in a layer tens of metres deep, displacing the air and suffocating all the people and animals before it could dissipate. The normally blue waters of the lake turned a deep red after the outgassing, due to iron-rich water from the deep rising to the surface and being oxidised by the air. The level of the lake dropped by about a metre, representing the volume of gas released. The outgassing probably also caused an overflow of the waters of the lake. Trees near the lake were knocked down.
Stay objective and keep one eye on the horizon.....
You need to stop using Christian based arguments if you want to prove anything. Simply because all their arguments are based on faith.
Source please cos wikipedia says differently, and wikipedia uses many different sources:
And are you not going to address the rest of my point or that video?
How would you have views this incident 2000 years ago without science to explain it?
same as a volcano or earth quake
Those arguments are based on science
dude look for yourself lucy is fake google it
and look at the pic below bones they found and pic they came up with
might watch vid later